Copper coil (IUD) and improved skin

How our community feel copper coil (IUD) has affected their skin

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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Out of the 561 reviews for copper coil (IUD), 17 people (3%) reported improved skin.

Reviewers that reported improved skin as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Copper coil (IUD)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
23 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  3 weeks ago

Copper coil (IUD)  


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Somewhat positive mood

3 more effects

0 helpful


Copper coil (IUD)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  24th Mar 24

Copper coil (IUD)  

After 10+ years of having the implant, I decided to go for the copper coil as was keen to be hormone free! With the implant, I experienced hormonal acne around my jawline, tender breasts, low mood & anxiety, irregular periods and spotting. The procedure was unpleasant - a short sharp poking feeling when going through the cervix,it was really uncomfortable but it was bearable as was over quickly. I had intense cramps that evening. I then had around 3 weeks of consistent bleeding, but this was possibly a mixture Of having a period and bleeding from the procedure, it was hard to tell because of how irregular my previous periods were. Within a few weeks, I had more energy, improved moods, hormonal acne had cleared and my skin was amazing. My periods now last 5 days, but I have spotting for a few days before period starts. Periods are heavier in terms of having to use super absorbancy tampons for a few days, rather than regular absorbancy. But this is bearable. My periods are still a bit irregular as expected when coming off hormonal contraception. Overall 100% worth the discomfort for the feeling of being "normal"

Very positive mood

3 more effects

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Copper coil (IUD)  
Used for 3 - 6 mo
35 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  8th Mar 24

Copper coil (IUD)  

I really want to give the copper coil 5* but due to heavier periods that are difficult and sometimes inconvenient to manage, I can't rate the IUD as a perfect form of contraception for me, yet. However, I am hoping that my periods will get lighter as the months go by. In the 4 months of having the coil fitted, I have had two heavy periods and two almost unmanageable periods where super tampons, heavy flow pads and super absorbency period pants have been changed after a couple of hours max. On such days, I wear all three at the same time for protection! However, I am very happy with the copper coil with regards to side effects. It is great feeling like a natural woman without being influenced by artificial hormones. I have a normal sex drive, I have not put on contraception weight, I don't have any issues with spots and I am not bleeding in between periods. I am happy to stick with the copper coil, as the advantages outweigh the inconvenience of the heavy bleeding. With regards to the fitting of the coil, I was 2 months postpartum, so insertion was straight forward without any pain relief. My cervix had already been traumatised just weeks before, so the insertion wasn't anything to shout about. I also had if fitted on a period, which was easier for the doctor, as my cervix was lower and easier to 'find'. Whether you are having it fitted postpartum or not, if possible, I advise that you have it fitted on a period to help insertion be that little bit easier. I hope to come back here to change this form of contraception to 5 stars within the year.

Very positive mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Copper coil (IUD) common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

75% of copper coil (IUD) reviewers reported period like cramps

42% of copper coil (IUD) reviewers reported vaginal discharge

41% of copper coil (IUD) reviewers reported lower back pain

33% of copper coil (IUD) reviewers reported tender breasts

19% of copper coil (IUD) reviewers reported thrush

Possible copper coil (IUD) side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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