Nexplanon implant and spotting

How our community feel nexplanon implant has affected their periods

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews



Out of the 581 reviews for nexplanon implant, 75 people (13%) reported spotting.

Reviewers that reported spotting as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 8+ yr
26 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  6th Aug 24

It was great for the first few years, I had no bleeding and didn’t notice any mood problems. After the first time I got it changed, I had constant problems with bleeding on and off. I ended up taking the mini pill on top to stop bleeding which caused horrible dryness, which was very uncomfortable. I didn’t notice my mood getting worse or my sex drive disappearing over the following 6 years, but a few days after I got it out I could feel this weighty sense of dread leaving my body. This contraception was effective insofar as it prevented pregnancy, but it’s hard to tell how much of that was just me never wanting to have sex.

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Very negative mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Used for 5 - 8 yr
27 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  23rd Jun 24

I had the implant fitted as I wanted reliable contraception that I didn't need to think about constantly. I had some slight spotting for a couple of months after getting it fitted, but apart from that, the first three years were all fine. When I came to have it changed, the nurse could not locate the implant, so it couldn't be removed during my appointment. I then had to wait six moths to see a specialist at the 'deep implant clinic' who was able to find it and remove it, few, however this whole experience was pretty worrying during those few months. I was not going to have a new one put into my arm but during this appointment I suddenly changed my mind and decided to have another one put in. This second implant I had for two years, then after my 6 year relationship broke down, I recently had it removed a couple of months ago to see how I felt not being on hormonal contraception. Amazing is the answer.

Somewhat negative mood

1 more effect

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Used for 3 - 6 mo
36 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  27th May 24

Getting it put in: was a little more involved and bigger than I expected. It was fine, little gross but I couldn't feel it and just avoided looking. They numb the arm area, and slowly insert it. It feels like the they're slowly inserting the pointy side of one of those old school card sized mail openers. It was fine. You can do it. Was much more appealing to me than pill or any vaginal coil. Experience 0-3 months: irregular bleeding, spotting, almost constantly for the first three months. Not heavy at all, very light but irregular. No cramps and before I had these a lot! Experience 3-7 months: no period, no spotting, no cramps. It's amazing and I'm so happy with it. My hair has been shedding more but I have a lot of very thick Asian hair so unsure if related. I've had increased appetite, but again this could be due to other factors in life. No other side effects. I'm very pleasantly surprised. I expected a pretty difficult journey with this one, but it's the best contraceptive I've used so far.

Top side effects not reported

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Nexplanon implant common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

51% of nexplanon implant reviewers reported tender breasts

44% of nexplanon implant reviewers reported period like cramps

42% of nexplanon implant reviewers reported vaginal discharge

38% of nexplanon implant reviewers reported vaginal dryness

36% of nexplanon implant reviewers reported breast enlargement

Possible nexplanon implant side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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