Gedarel 30/150 pill and decreased sex drive
How our community feel gedarel 30/150 pill has affected their sex drive
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
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Don't know
Out of the 148 reviews for gedarel 30/150 pill, 81 people (55%) reported decreased sex drive.
Reviewers that reported decreased sex drive as a side effect
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
Used for 12 - 18 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 9th Sep 24
I originally went on the pill to help ease period pains and I had already tried micrgogynon which made me feel nauseous. Getting used to the pill defo made me feel nauseous in the mornings a little but quickly went away. I have not had any serious side effects other than an increased emotional sensitivity and breast tenderness. My periods are a lot less heavy but thicker consistency? I'm not doubled over in pain anymore but I still take painkillers on my period. I would defo reccomend!!
Somewhat negative mood
1 more effect
0 helpful
Used for 3 - 6 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 31st Aug 24
I used to be on this for years before having my two children and so I went back on but I’ve decided to come back off and try the copper coil instead of hormonal contraception. I remember when I came off I felt like I’d come back to life, as though I’d sort of been numbed when I was on it. I’d been on various types of hormonal contraception for over 20 years so I don’t think I’d noticed it happening to me over time until I came off. But having now had a few years off contraception altogether going back on I can really feel it this time. I had been losing my baby weight but that stopped when I started the pill again, I suspect it’s bloating and water rather than actual body fat. My sex drive has plummeted to basically nothing and I just don’t feel like me.
Somewhat negative mood
2 more effects
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 16th May 24
I went on this a few years ago to stop my cycle because I suffer from severe PMS symptoms/PMDD. I remained on it for a year and experienced no side effects. I came off of it because I wanted to attempt to solve my problems naturally and holistically. Unfortunately my mental health became worse and I decided to go back on it. I have now been taking it for a week and am experiencing some mild side effects this time, but hopefully they will settle down.
Somewhat positive mood
2 more effects
0 helpful
Gedarel 30/150 pill common side effects
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
60% of gedarel 30/150 pill reviewers reported tender breasts
52% of gedarel 30/150 pill reviewers reported vaginal dryness
47% of gedarel 30/150 pill reviewers reported breast enlargement
44% of gedarel 30/150 pill reviewers reported period like cramps
39% of gedarel 30/150 pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge