Depo-Provera injection and improved skin

How our community feel depo-Provera injection has affected their skin

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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Out of the 182 reviews for depo-Provera injection, 5 people (3%) reported improved skin.

Reviewers that reported improved skin as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 12 - 18 mo
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  14th Feb 24

The injection definitely stops pregnancy but does affect the body in different ways

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Improved skin

1 more effect

0 helpful


Used for 8+ yr
37 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  11th Jun 23

Depo provera made a difference to my life as I had no periods at all. I was on depo for over 15 years, I had tried the pill but this made me feel nauseous and forgot to take it. Since stopping depo in December 2022 I have experienced what I think may be withdrawals- periods still haven’t returned but I feel pelvic pain is attributed to withdrawals alongside this happening during and after sex which results in severe pelvic cramps making me feel very nauseous, sweaty, hot and needing to move my bowels. Unsure as of yet whether this is all due to the depo or something else going on. When I hit puberty I feel I may have experienced endometriosis type symptoms with extremely heavy periods and severe cramps and didn’t ever get this assessed at my doctors and have not had a period since I was about 18 therefore my periods have yet to return and I am 37 now so time will tell. I have Ben to the GP and hospital for pelvic exam which ruled out any reproductive illnesses and no deformities found this can rule out those as a causative factor to my current pelvic symptoms. I will keep you all posted once and Gastrointestinal issues have been ruled out as another potential cause at present which is being assessed via samples and assessments at my GP at the moment. Otherwise it may be endometriosis or a gynae issue potentially. All in all though my pelvic issues started when I stopped the depo injection.

Somewhat positive mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
19 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  3rd Aug 22

Overall one of the best contraceptives I’ve tried and I’ve tried some form of each. Started using to help with endo associated pain and heavy periods. Completely stopped my periods other than the occasional spotting towards the end of the 12 weeks after injection. Found it had no long term impact on my moods and very few side effects in general and improved my skin. Really handy only having to get it every 12 weeks rather than take a pill everyday. Only downfalls are for about a week after the first 2 injections I was very teary and hungry all the time but this stopped once I got used to it. Also had an impact on sex drive and caused weight gain during the whole time I was on it.

Improved skin

2 more effects

3 helpful


Depo-Provera injection common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

41% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported vaginal dryness

40% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported tender breasts

34% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported vaginal discharge

31% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported lower back pain

29% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported period like cramps

Possible depo-Provera injection side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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