Rigevidon and more regular periods

How our community feel rigevidon has affected their periods

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews



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Out of the 553 reviews for rigevidon, 26 people (5%) reported more regular periods.

Reviewers that reported more regular periods as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 3 - 5 yr
24 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 month ago

I had quite a negative experience with the pill . I was prescribed it in 2020 after being diagnosed with PCOS , I was given this to lighten my flow which was very heavy and clear up my skin which had broken out in under the skin cystic acne at the time. Although my periods became more regular they still fluctuated quite a bit. My periods were also incredibly painful and even when I wasn't on my period I began to experience chronic abdominal, pelvic and back pain (I've recently been diagnosed with endometriosis). I also experience horrendous mood swings and had to go on an anti depressant to manage them. I would not try this pill again. I also had suicidal ideation and thoughts when I was on the pill.

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Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
17 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  17th Jun 24

This pill helped me so much mentally , it helped me regulate my mood better and focus on tasks so mentally it was great, physically however not so much. On this pill I was much hairier, oilier, sweatier and spottier than I naturally am and when I stopped taking it all of the above cleared up.It did however give me regular and much lighter manageable periods.

Very positive mood

2 more effects

1 helpful


Used for 8+ yr
35 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  12th Jun 24

I was moved onto Rigevidon from Yasmin about 14 years ago as my GP said the risk of blood clots was lower (now evidence looks like they are both pretty high risk). I started the pill as a teenager for PCOS symptoms (rarely having periods, excess body hair and acne). I have been very happy on this pill - my mood has been stable and good, my libido is very good, my skin is free of spots although it is oily and my periods are very predictable and light. I do still have a lot of body hair but I think this may just be normal for my genetics unfortunately, and not related to contraception.

Somewhat positive mood

1 more effect

1 helpful


Rigevidon common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

52% of rigevidon reviewers reported vaginal discharge

51% of rigevidon reviewers reported tender breasts

47% of rigevidon reviewers reported period like cramps

44% of rigevidon reviewers reported breast enlargement

36% of rigevidon reviewers reported lower back pain

Possible rigevidon side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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