Rigevidon and breast enlargement

How our community feel they have been impacted by breast enlargement on rigevidon

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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Out of the 556 reviews for rigevidon, 247 people (44%) reported breast enlargement.

Reviewers that reported breast enlargement as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 1 - 3 mo
19 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

To be honest I’ve been on this before, but I took packets back to back so I wouldn’t get a period which worked, but now months later I’ve started it again, because my cycle was irregular from August due to plan b usage, and I now bleed on my pill free break, it gives me a sense of reassurance I’m not sexually active anyways it’s been like that for a month now, but atleast I know my cycle is more regular, only thing I would say is around day 4 of me being on the pill free break aka my first day of bleeding I experienced cramps and very bad breast pain PMS syndromes but it went down and it went from heavy bleeding to light bleeding.

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Somewhat positive mood

1 helpful


Used for 5 - 8 yr
21 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  3 weeks ago

I have been on the combined pill for over 5 years now. I went on it at 16 and I am now 21 years old, whilst I have been on it it’s served me well no horrific side effects. However, over the years my sex drive has got worse and worse and I feel unless I’m on my pill break my mind doesn’t feel clear. I am scared to come off it as I do not know what other best alternative but I think I may change to the copper coil to natural cycles to let my body have a natural cycle. I just feel forcing your body to not ovulate cannot be good for it, I need my natural cycle back for peace of mind.

Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Used for 1 - 3 mo
22 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  27th Jul 24

I’ve tried microgynon and ceracette to manage my heavy and painful periods before being put on rigevidon. Although, my period is generally lighter, there are major side effects that make me want to stop this pill. My mental health has been at its lowest - one minute I’m fine, the next I’m hysterically crying for no reason. I get irritable extremely quickly and I lash out with very little consideration of what I say and do. It’s damaging. I’m not sure whether this is related to the low mood or the pill itself but I’ve experienced a huge decrease in appetite. The thought of eating makes me nauseous. I also feel extremely fatigued and tired all the time but that can also be due to my anaemia and vitamin deficiencies. My breasts also feel tender and fuller. I am considering changing as it is beginning to affect my day to day and the relationships with people around me. I just do not feel like myself.

Very negative mood

1 more effect

1 helpful


Rigevidon common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

52% of rigevidon reviewers reported vaginal discharge

51% of rigevidon reviewers reported tender breasts

47% of rigevidon reviewers reported period like cramps

44% of rigevidon reviewers reported breast enlargement

36% of rigevidon reviewers reported lower back pain

Possible rigevidon side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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