Progestogen-only / Mini pill and vaginal dryness

How our community feel they have been impacted by vaginal dryness on progestogen-only / Mini pill

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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Out of the 1298 reviews for progestogen-only / Mini pill, 496 people (38%) reported vaginal dryness.

Reviewers that reported vaginal dryness as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 3 - 6 mo
22 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 month ago

Started this pill as I had horrendous migraines on Rigevidon. Was excited to start the mini pill and to not have bleeds in between pills but was I wrong. The first 5 months I’ve had random bleeding- which I expected (but not for over a week straight) I’ve also been heavily dizzy, nauseous and have had 0 sex drive which has affected my relationship heavily.

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Somewhat negative mood

3 more effects

0 helpful


Used for 1 - 3 mo
18 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  7th Aug 24

I've only been on this pill for two months so there's a chance this may calm down after the full adjustment period, but the side effects have been interesting. Most notably, my cycle has gone from around 35 days to 13 days, and I have been having a period every other week. The first two periods gave me hope because they were significantly lighter - to the point where I was questioning whether or not I should even log it as a period - and painless. However, the next three periods I've had so far have been gradually getting heavier and I'm getting more cramping. It's weird though because, for most of my period it's still quite light, but on around the second or third day, I do have a few hours where it's quite heavy and crampy, then it subsides again and the rest is light. I had spotting between the first three periods but that's stopped now. Other than the annoying cycle changes, I had a constant lingering headache for the first two weeks, I'm getting more acne than usual, and some vaginal dryness before my period. I don't know if this is worth staying on as I'm only on the pill to manage my painful and heavy periods. Current plan is to finish my three months' supply and take it from there.

Somewhat negative mood

1 more effect

1 helpful


Used for 8+ yr
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  6th Aug 24

Hugely helped with period pains (no periods!). Has evened out any emotional changes - I feel very stable. No nausea like with the combined pill. Lost weight (as well as boob!) but unsure if that's compared to when I was on combined pill or baseline.

Somewhat positive mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Progestogen-only / Mini pill common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

51% of progestogen-only / Mini pill reviewers reported tender breasts

46% of progestogen-only / Mini pill reviewers reported period like cramps

44% of progestogen-only / Mini pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge

41% of progestogen-only / Mini pill reviewers reported breast enlargement

38% of progestogen-only / Mini pill reviewers reported vaginal dryness

Possible progestogen-only / Mini pill side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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