Lizinna pill and heavier periods
Reviewers that reported heavier periods as a side effect
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 2nd Nov 21
I was previously on cilest and was told it was discontinued and they swapped me onto lizinna, I have been using it for 2 or so years and now wanting to switch. Noticed side effects were increased weight gain, despite eating the same and exercising I have not been able to loose weight the same as before, I used to be quite skinny and despite the same eating pattern have put on lots of weight, with weight gain my breasts are significantly larger. My sex drive has definitely lowered. In terms of skin it has been good for my skin although I never suffered with bad skin previously. I feel as though the side effects from this pill have definitely taken a while to become noticeable, as at first I had no real issue with it.
Somewhat negative mood
2 more effects
0 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 12th Jun 21
Started taking Lizanna after changing from Rigevidon as I heard all the horror stories about it and it wasn’t helping me in anyway whatsoever. I was still miserable and depressed from the pill and it didn’t help my periods, BUT neither does Lizanna. However after starting Lizanna my periods and much heavier and 10x as painful, the low back pain I get from it is agony. The pain keeps me awake all night and feeling utterly uncomfortable.
Very negative mood
1 more effect
1 helpful
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 18th Feb 21
The last pill I was on (Rigvidon) really killed my sex drive and gave me horrific mood swings, and although I haven't come back to what I would call 100% since switching to Lizinna it's definitely a huge improvement. My sex drive has come back, though it's not as high as pre- pill, and I have started getting more acne that I have experienced previously, but overall I'm much more stable mentally, and much happier right now.
Somewhat positive mood
0 helpful
Lizinna pill common side effects
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
65% of lizinna pill reviewers reported tender breasts
49% of lizinna pill reviewers reported breast enlargement
45% of lizinna pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge
41% of lizinna pill reviewers reported period like cramps
37% of lizinna pill reviewers reported nausea or vomiting