Jaydess coil and decreased sex drive
How our community feel jaydess coil has affected their sex drive
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
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Out of the 105 reviews for jaydess coil, 28 people (27%) reported decreased sex drive.
Reviewers that reported decreased sex drive as a side effect
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
Used for 3 - 6 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 20th Sep 24
Overall it has made my hormonal state worse. I am having it removed after 5 months as the moment I enter my luteal phase I have horrible mood swings, and depression-like symptoms and have become extremely sensitive to sugar, which then affects my mental state to the point of crying for no other reason. I also had a traumatic experience getting it in, please do your reading before getting any IUDs in. Ask for pain relief.
Very negative mood
2 more effects
0 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 30th Oct 23
For me possibly the best of the hormonal options I tried (Nuvaring & POP)...definitely in terms of comfort level (and for me the biggest pro is that I have 0 worry about getting pregnant and I can forget about the admin of contraception. When I was using condoms I was an anxious mess about getting pregnant...) but I am still on the fence and may have it removed. Insertion was awful (no painkiller offered) and I was almost completely out of action for 3 days after: pain, headaches, my uterus and ovaries wanted to basically run away and I could hardly walk my dog! Oh yes and quite hormonal as well. So be organised in case this is how your body reacts too. I believed the "most people find it uncomfortable but not painful" official line..must have been written by a man lol. It went way beyond uncomfortable for me. I started bleeding/spotting for about 2 months without stopping immidiately after insertion. It wasn't too worrying but rather annoying. Had to buy more black undies as kept ruining my lighter coloured ones! I had my first proper period 2 months in. I stopped ovulating and I miss my natural cycle and my juices and the libido that comes with it. That being said I do experience vaginal dryness to an extent. I put on about 2lbs (1kg) As only had it over 2.5 months, it's still early days and if things settle down with the spotting and I don't get more annoying side effects I may stay with it a bit longer as I find it very convenient.
Somewhat negative mood
2 more effects
1 helpful
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 29th Oct 23
I previously had another hormonal contraceptive before changing to jaydess. I changed to jaydess as I wanted fewer hormones in comparison to the last. I didn't experience periods with either contraceptive forms, which worked for me at the time, but then I began to grow paranoid at the effect it was having on my body. I didn't experience any "negative" side effects other than that I noticed I was experiencing dark facial hair on my chin leading down to my neck, about 6 hairs in total. But totally killed my confidence. I had the jaydess removed 3 weeks ago, experienced what I believe is a withdrawal bleed so awaiting the true return of my period... which I'm hoping won't take too long to return! Massive positive since removal is how much I've noticed my sex drive has increased! I didn't even truly realise how it had effected it.
Somewhat positive mood
1 more effect
1 helpful
Jaydess coil common side effects
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
62% of jaydess coil reviewers reported period like cramps
50% of jaydess coil reviewers reported tender breasts
38% of jaydess coil reviewers reported vaginal discharge
31% of jaydess coil reviewers reported breast enlargement
27% of jaydess coil reviewers reported vaginal dryness