Yasmin pill and decreased sex drive

How our community feel yasmin pill has affected their sex drive

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Decreased sex drive


No change


Don't know


Out of the 216 reviews for yasmin pill, 119 people (55%) reported decreased sex drive.

Reviewers that reported decreased sex drive as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 12 - 18 mo
27 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  3 weeks ago

I was really pleased for the first 3 months of taking Yasmin as my skin cleared up completely. However after a couple of years of taking it my anxiety increased and I started feeling depressed. I also had no libido whatsoever which affected my relationship. My periods became longer and heavier and more painful.

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Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Used for 8+ yr
31 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 month ago

I have mixed feelings about Yasmin. I was on it for a long time and it cleared up the numerous spots on my back and gave me regular, light periods with no cramping. However, the last five or so years before I went off it, I found I had zero sex drive and significant vaginal dryness, which negatively impacted my ability to have and enjoy sex. My breasts also enlarged significantly, from roughly a B/C cup to about a D/ double D, a change that I have found uncomfortable.

Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Used for 3 - 6 mo
22 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  3rd Jun 24

I started yasmin about 3 months ago and since then my breasts have become really sore, and one of them started leaking discharge, which I had to visit the GP for. It also gave me these mild but constant headaches, so as per my GP's advice, I'm getting off this pill ASAP!

Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Yasmin pill common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

56% of yasmin pill reviewers reported breast enlargement

54% of yasmin pill reviewers reported tender breasts

49% of yasmin pill reviewers reported vaginal dryness

43% of yasmin pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge

40% of yasmin pill reviewers reported period like cramps

Possible yasmin pill side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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