Mirena coil and weight loss
How our community feel mirena coil has affected their weight
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
No change
Don't know
Out of the 546 reviews for mirena coil, 23 people (4%) reported weight loss.
Reviewers that reported weight loss as a side effect
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
Used for 1 - 3 mo
34 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 11th Feb 25
I had mirena fitted on 8/1/25. Insertion was absolutely fine, didn't feel anything at all. Since mirena fitted I was lightly bleeding for 3 weeks. Than stopped for 3 days and than I had my period(on time) so started again. Period is much lighter ( 1 pad a day) no cramps, or any other sides effects. Hopefully it will settle soon with my body if not and I will still bleeding or spotting I will go to remove it because I can compare a few days with periods then constantly bleeding or spotting. I feel absolutely fine.
Lost weight
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 6th Aug 23
I love my Mirena ! I have tried 5 different birth control pills (combined and mini) and the Jaydess and Kyleena IUD prior to the Mirena. It was a long journey but let me tell you: it was worth it. Since my very first period I have had heavy periods and severe pain. Most doctors suspected endometriosis but since they didn’t see anything on the ultrasound, they always told me it’s not worth going further to confirm the diagnosis. They always told me the treatment is going to be hormonal anyways so I might as well already try hormonal contraceptives. I normally am not for hormonal birth control if it’s not necessary so I was a bit sceptical. When I was 16 I tried the Kyleena IUD since they told me it has close to no hormones. I had it for about 9 months and it wasn’t horrible but I had constant spotting. Obviously blood was way less and almost no cramps but at that time I was in a bad state of mind and thought it was the IUD. I got it taken out and tried several other pills which were way worse. After two years of trying different pills, the doctor asked me if I wanted to try the Jaydess IUD since it has slightly lower hormones than the kyleena and it might be better. I said yes and had the Jaydess for about 8 months. To be honest again, it wasn’t horrible but I still had heavy bleeding and it was longer than usual. I moved to another country for my studies and I finally found a great gyno ! She explained to me that to get rid of the bleeding, more hormones are needed and she recommended trying the Mirena. I was surprised since a lot of doctors told me the Mirena is slightly bigger and is therefore only for women with children. But apparently my uterus is big enough. Since the insertion of the Mirena I feel so much better !! No more PMS symptoms (at all), no more severe cramps (still a bit here and there but nothing a pain killer can’t fix), super light bleedings (literally 1-2 drops a day but for 10 days) and I feel overall even more centred than before hormones. I used to have massive mood swings and sore boobs during pms and now I have nothing. The only tiny downsides I see is more body hair (especially around the nipples, which I never had), smaller boobs since they don’t grow before periods anymore, a slightly higher sex drive. But non of these downsides bother me that much. I don’t think I can recommend it since it’s based on personal experience and it can even be the opposite for someone else, but one thing I will say: find yourself a good doctor that you can trust. I myself found that to be the biggest struggle during this journey and that’s the reason I’m studying medicine and looking forward to be an Obgyn. Ones you have that good doctor, nothing can stand in your way to find what your body needs.
Very positive mood
1 more effect
3 helpful
Used for 5 - 8 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 15th Jun 23
I felt a little bit emotionally flat whilst using Mirena. However, I kept using it because it made my periods really light. I became pregnant around 5 years after the Mirena was inserted, just before it was due to be replaced. It was an ectopic pregnancy which ruptured and I had to have emergency surgery, which was obviously very distressing.
Somewhat negative mood
2 more effects
0 helpful
Mirena coil common side effects
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
61% of mirena coil reviewers reported period like cramps
42% of mirena coil reviewers reported tender breasts
41% of mirena coil reviewers reported vaginal discharge
30% of mirena coil reviewers reported lower back pain
25% of mirena coil reviewers reported breast enlargement