Eloine pill and lighter periods

How our community feel eloine pill has affected their periods

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews



No change


Out of the 39 reviews for eloine pill, 12 people (31%) reported lighter periods.

Reviewers that reported lighter periods as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 8+ yr
29 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  7th May 24

I started taking contraceptive pills when I was 16. If I knew I had all these side effects I would never started. I tried to stop taking them a few times and my body has an awful reaction when I don't take the pills (such as more hair, massive acne, bad mood, depression, etc).

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Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Used for 1 - 3 mo
15 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  22nd Feb 24

I’ve been taking this pill only for a month so far but it’s a whole lot better than the previous pill i was taking a year ago (rigevidon) first few days of this pill i noticed i was a bit more emotional and irritated but it went away in a week i think i was just getting used to it. I have gained a little bit of weight but nothing too significant however i think that might just be because of my diet. My breasts have gotten bigger but they’re very tender hopefully that goes away a bit as i continue taking it. Slight loss of sex drive but not complete loss and a bit of vaginal dryness but it’s not too bad. I’ve gotten a few spots on my forehead but this could just be a result of my diet or travel and they’re only tiny for now but i’ll see how that goes. Overall pleasantly surprised at my experience so far compared to the absolutely demonic pill i was on previously, would recommend x

Worse skin

1 more effect

0 helpful


Used for 3 - 6 mo
34 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  9th Jun 23

After being pill free for years and managing severe PMS in other ways, I decided to go back on the pill as I was in a new relationship. I experienced low moods towards the end of my cycle when I will pill free but also experienced real highs and pangs of high sex drive. This pill really does “flatten” my mood. I still get a little down, tired, achy with brain fog toward end of cycle. But I don’t get any highs or sex drive. I’m very flat on this pill, I could take or leave most things. I tried to come off this pill, but the breast pain and nipple soreness was outrageous so went back on!

Somewhat positive mood

2 more effects

4 helpful


Eloine pill common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

51% of eloine pill reviewers reported tender breasts

49% of eloine pill reviewers reported period like cramps

39% of eloine pill reviewers reported headaches

36% of eloine pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge

36% of eloine pill reviewers reported vaginal dryness

Possible eloine pill side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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