Desogestrel pill and improved skin
How our community feel desogestrel pill has affected their skin
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
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Out of the 377 reviews for desogestrel pill, 12 people (3%) reported improved skin.
Reviewers that reported improved skin as a side effect
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
Used for 1 - 3 mo
24 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 21st Jan 25
Day 1 - (14/10/24)- cramping in uterus but not like period cramps, felt more like movement down there. Day 2 - similar cramping to day 1. Day 3 - Similar cramping still (but less frequent/not as bad), increased discharge, slight pressure headache. Day 4 - Similar headache to previous day, increased discharge - no cramping at all. Day 5 - Headache on right side of head near the back (dull ache, like I was trying to fight off a migraine from starting) felt a bit spacey all day. Nausea and some different cramping to what I felt previously (like the warning sign period cramps I get before the big ones kick in) Day 6 - Same headache, nausea and spacey-ness. Found that I felt better after eating more frequently (which might make sense as to why people say they gain weight on the pill because if eating makes me feel better then I’m sure as hell going to do it) In the morning had similar cramps to day 5 but gone by evening. - Did spend the daytime out though so the headache could have been made worse by the fact I wasn’t drinking water as regularly as I usually would. Day 7 - Started the day without a headache but by lunchtime I had one again. This could be because I’d had a busy morning though and ate lunch later than usual. # Day 8 - Ok for most of the day but by the evening I felt so nauseous and headachey Day 9 - Felt down and low all day - boobs seem to hurt and feel bigger almost? Slight cramping. Day 10 - Really really low today - sore boobs Day 11 - Really sore boobs are cramping Day 17 - (30/10/24) - Been fine for most this week except I’ve had sore boobs. Yesterday I had a suspicious cramp and today I’ve had more and some spotting/pre-period blood. This would mean my period is starting on day 27/28 of my cycle not day 31-35 as usual. Day 18 - Period started, has a different consistency than usual. More mucusy? I’m really not sure how to describe it, slippery? I mean it makes sense since desogestrel thickens the mucus lining. Period cramps HURT and some clotting which I haven’t had for a couple of years. Nothing major though. Day 19 - Same as yesterday. Not an extremely heavy period where I’m constantly having to change pads but I can tell this is heavy. Still that new consistency but occasionally the usual consistency. Not as bloody as usual. Day 20 - (2/11/24) - Medium-light flow. Usual consistency like I would be coming towards the endings of my usual period. (which usually lasts about 5 days) 4/12/24 - Not sure what to say the day is. I’ve had a lot of spotting this past month and basically haven’t been a day without wearing a period pad just in case.I had a mini proper period (not spotting) last week and I’m having another proper period now. It’s a lot and I just want to be able to not wear a pad anymore. I’m going to go back to the doctor this week to tell them about what's happening and get another prescription. 21/01/24 - I have no idea what day this would be now. (I’m into my 2nd week of my 4th month) I’ve been pretty much consistently bleeding all of December. Very light with a heavier week but not like my usual period and not the same cramping/minimal cramping. I think I’ve possibly gone 2 days without wearing a pad since I last wrote. However, I did completely stop bleeding for about 3 days last week which was lovely but then I had a proper period with cramps that hurt (well more like my periods pre-pill) It seems to be slowly stopping now though. I’ve gained a bit of weight (but not gone up a dress size) but this could be because I have been less active recently and my eating habits have changed. My skin has cleared up recently but I can’t entirely put that down to the pill as I’ve changed the skincare products I’m using as well. Other than the bleeding I've felt completely fine, the bleeding (not the one just described) is just annoying more than anything.
Improved skin
1 more effect
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 26th Jun 24
This is the first time I’ve tried the mini pill after using the combined pill since I was 15 (until 18), the hormonal coil (18-22) and then experiencing my adult body for around 3 months with no hormones. After this contraceptive break, I fell pregnant and had a really rough abortion. After this experience I was terrified of this happening again and noticed my weight had increased due to pregnancy and my moods were really up and down in the last 6-8 weeks. After speaking to a doctor I got given this pill due to optical migraines and high risk of stroke. It was fine for the first few weeks and got used to it very quick, however, I noticed an insane decrease in sex drive. I never think about sex now and it’s really hard to get in the mood, this had led to me getting too in my head during sex and ruining it for me, a constant cycle!! Recently I’ve also became really irritable and short tempered which is very out of character for me. *Really important note* that I’ve not seen in many reviews!! After a quarterly checkup with the nurse she told me this pill is one of the worst for weight gain!! Saying that basically no matter how much of a calorie deficit you’re in/how active you are, you’re going to gain some weigh. Wasn’t informed about this prior to prescription. For context I was 69kg prior to taking this pill and in 6 months I’ve gained 11kg without changing my diet and increasing my cardio and general exercise. Apart from this the pros are no periods, very minimal cramps. I’m leaving this (very long) review to help anyone else who’s using this or considering it, like other reviews say, it really depends on you and unfortunately you’ll never know how these things affect you until you try. To help some sisters out, I’m now considering the copper coil as I’m missing having periods (sounds crazy I know) and really want a non-hormonal option
Somewhat negative mood
3 more effects
1 helpful
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 7th May 24
I experienced some negative side effects when I first went on the pill (mood swings, headaches), both this time around and previously, but they dissipated/softened after a few months. My migraines have increased in frequency over the last 12 months, but I have been a migraine suffered since puberty.
Somewhat negative mood
2 more effects
0 helpful
Desogestrel pill common side effects
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
54% of desogestrel pill reviewers reported tender breasts
45% of desogestrel pill reviewers reported period like cramps
43% of desogestrel pill reviewers reported breast enlargement
42% of desogestrel pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge
38% of desogestrel pill reviewers reported vaginal dryness