Depo-Provera injection and body hair getting darker

How our community feel they have been impacted by body hair getting darker on depo-Provera injection

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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Out of the 183 reviews for depo-Provera injection, 16 people (9%) reported body hair getting darker.

Reviewers that reported body hair getting darker as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 8+ yr
27 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  20th Jan 24

I used this contraception for nearly 10 years and I loved it- being young and having no periods saved me a lot of money and stress and was ideal when I went backpacking. It is only now I am older and have an interest in having a baby one day that I was keen to switch. It has taken me nearly 12 months to regain a regular cycle! I also never realised how bad it made my acne until I came off it.

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Worse skin

1 helpful


Used for 3 - 6 mo
21 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  30th Oct 23

I started the depo in June of this year, I then started constantly bleeding 3 weeks later up until the end of August. I had a 2 week break from bleeding, and then I started again for a further 3 weeks, and the pain that comes along with it is unbearable, it’s a constant vicious cycle. My moods are horrendous, I’ve had to start up antidepressants again, my skin hasn’t been this bad in literal months, all the lower part of my face has broken out into sore spots. I have tried all methods of contraception now, various pills, 2x coil and neither time worked as my body rejected both times, the implant which didn’t agree with me and now this. So I’m completely coming off contraception once this dose runs out. Never again

Very negative mood

2 more effects

1 helpful


Used for 3 - 5 yr
27 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  9th Jun 23

Was on this method for a few years. The first 6 weeks I bled non stop and had to get medication from the drs to stop the bleeding where I was told by my male doctor “it’s tough being a woman” . Once the bleeding had stopped my first few months were great. After a while I noticed my mood changes and became severely depressed where I was put on sertraline and propanalol. I had been with my partner for 6 years at this point and we didn’t have sex for 6 months as my sex drive completely decreased. I gained 3 stone in the time period of about 2 years, I was waking up in the night absolutely starving and could never curb the hunger. I was constantly sweating where I ended up seeing a dermatologist. I had constant brain fog and felt like an alien in my own body. My bones and joints ached and when I went for a check up I was told I had been on the injection for too long without a break. I went to th Drs to see what else was available to me and I was told that my body at 22 years old had basically gon into an early menopause due to the infection as that’s what It doee. I was never told this at the time, and was just under the impression that it would stop my painful periods. My dr was reluctant to let me come off the injection because of my age and I was in a long term relationship. It took a long time for my body to regulate after stopping the injection. Once my body had regulated itself about 1.5 ~ 2 years after stopping, my weight gain decreased and I felt normal again. I am now 27 and have never gone back on any kind of contraception because of how awful this one made me feel.

Very negative mood

2 more effects

1 helpful


Depo-Provera injection common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

41% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported vaginal dryness

41% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported tender breasts

34% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported vaginal discharge

31% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported lower back pain

29% of depo-Provera injection reviewers reported period like cramps

Possible depo-Provera injection side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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