Cilique pill and spotting
Reviewers that reported spotting as a side effect
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
Used for 3 - 6 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 26th Mar 24
switched from levest because of my skin, i think it’s cleared up my skin a bit (i have a better skincare routine now tho so could be that too), but ive been spotting quite a bit in the last few months. periods have gotten less painful which is good! boobs also got bigger ;) sex drive went down a bit, moods have always been all over the place tbh LOL
Improved skin
1 more effect
0 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 10th Mar 24
Within a week of taking cilique I became extremely bloated way more then normal, all of my jeans felt way tighter then usual and everyone knows their own body so when your body changes you can notice it easily. My appetite severely decreased and my boobs got tender and swollen it became uncomfortable. I normally take my pill at 4pm and when I was on my old pill if I took it a few hours later nothing would happen but I forgot and took it at 8pm and got breakthrough bleeding, even after taking my pill at 8pm and the next day on time I still had the bleeding. Also noticed I felt very faint around 6pm on the day I was late to taking it and also got cramps. I know this is a lot of information but it is really helpful to know the symptoms others get for a certain pill. I’ve decided to stop taking this as I really don’t like it and don’t recommend it but other reviews have said they suggest cilique so I’d say try it and see what works for you.
Very negative mood
2 more effects
0 helpful
Used for 3 - 5 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 21st Dec 23
I found this pill fine for a few years and then started getting a fair bit of spotting between periods, which I think increased thrush and BV which I kept having to treat every few months or so. Also realised I was having brain fog and feeling quite emotional and low mood/ motivation. I felt a lot better mentally when I came off this pill and the spotting and regular infections stopped. My acne and oily skin got worse when I came off this pill though.
Somewhat negative mood
1 helpful
Cilique pill common side effects
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
61% of cilique pill reviewers reported breast enlargement
61% of cilique pill reviewers reported tender breasts
53% of cilique pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge
53% of cilique pill reviewers reported period like cramps
41% of cilique pill reviewers reported nausea or vomiting