Reviewers that reported spotting as a side effect
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
Used for 3 - 6 mo
19 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 2 weeks ago
Was on this pill for about 4/5 months. Positives were that it got rid of any cramps/ period symptoms - great as I was previously prescribed meds for dysmenorrhea. However, it gave me constant spotting and light bleeding - I bled for about 75% of the time while on this pill and it didn’t get any better. Doctor recommended that I doubled dose (from 75 to 150mg) - this killed my sex drive and didn’t fix the bleeding issue, so I eventually came off.
Worse skin
1 more effect
0 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
26 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 1 month ago
I took this for a month and had issues everyday from nausea to headaches. My mood was terrible and I was crying or anxious regularly. I stopped because during my last week of being in this pill I had a breakthrough bleed that was so painful and heavy I couldn’t leave my bed. It was worse than my regular period so I stopped this pill.
Very negative mood
0 helpful
Cerazette pill common side effects
Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews
46% of cerazette pill reviewers reported tender breasts
40% of cerazette pill reviewers reported vaginal dryness
39% of cerazette pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge
39% of cerazette pill reviewers reported period like cramps
34% of cerazette pill reviewers reported breast enlargement