Marvelon pill and improved skin

How our community feel marvelon pill has affected their skin

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

No change


Out of the 79 reviews for marvelon pill, 2 people (3%) reported improved skin.

Reviewers that reported improved skin as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 8+ yr
48 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  25th Oct 23

I was recommended “marvellous” Marvelon by an NHS women’s health nurse when I was 23 and looking for a pill that would t leave me moody with breakthrough bleeding. 36 years later (!!) I’m still taking it. I now run it on every month so zero bleeding. Every few months I’ll skip a day to see if I still ovulate (and I do). After 10 years (age 33) I stopped it to conceive. Ovulated the first month (I get distinct ov pain) and resumed regular cycles immediately. I conceived 2 months later. After my second baby I had a Mirena which was fine but couldn’t get the little wire sitting there out of my head so had it removed and went back on Marvelon. So all up about 5 years off. Hairdresser noticed my hair thickened up (after loosing lots postnatal).again I noticed no side effects apart from no ov pain. I’m planning to stay on it until my early 50s or so and will then consider HRT options. So I’m very happy with my oestrogen topped up! I’ve had zero negative symptoms and am a very well, fit, optimistic and thriving GenXer!! Marvellous.

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Very positive mood

1 more effect

1 helpful


Used for 8+ yr
29 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  16th Nov 21

It was convenient and pain-free, but after I stopped taking it, my partner and I both noticed that I felt less depressed and my libido increased. I am considering restarting the pill due to suspected endometriosis to help reduce pain, but I'm worried that I will feel more depressed if I do.

Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

2 helpful


Marvelon pill common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

53% of marvelon pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge

48% of marvelon pill reviewers reported breast enlargement

47% of marvelon pill reviewers reported period like cramps

43% of marvelon pill reviewers reported tender breasts

38% of marvelon pill reviewers reported vaginal dryness

Possible marvelon pill side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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