Loestrin 30 pill and decreased sex drive

How our community feel loestrin 30 pill has affected their sex drive

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Decreased sex drive


No change


Don't know


Out of the 27 reviews for loestrin 30 pill, 12 people (44%) reported decreased sex drive.

Reviewers that reported decreased sex drive as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 8+ yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  8th Feb 21

Overall I thought this pill worked really well for me however for years didn’t realise that my dwindling sex drive was due to it. This actually caused ongoing difficulty between myself and my partner as we slowly mis-matched in drives which could be upsetting and confusing for both of us. I’ve been with my partner over 8 years and knew it wasn’t because I wasn’t attracted to him. Coming off the pill has confirmed that as I’m nearly a year off and am very nearly back to what I was like pre-pill which is amazing. I had to stop taking it because of supply issue and moved to Yasmin as after researching a lot it seemed most similar. I reacted so badly to that one though it finally gave me to push to stop using contraceptives (apart from condoms) and I’m so glad!

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Decreased sex drive

0 helpful


Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  25th Sep 20

Can sometimes be difficult to take them at the right time, making them less effective. Slightly inconvenient to have to keep collecting new packs every 3 months.

Decreased sex drive

1 more effect

0 helpful


Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  27th Jul 20

I found this combined pill great. I had no side effects to note other than lighter periods when I took the break.

Decreased sex drive

0 helpful


Loestrin 30 pill common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

59% of loestrin 30 pill reviewers reported vaginal discharge

56% of loestrin 30 pill reviewers reported tender breasts

52% of loestrin 30 pill reviewers reported breast enlargement

41% of loestrin 30 pill reviewers reported vaginal dryness

33% of loestrin 30 pill reviewers reported period like cramps

Possible loestrin 30 pill side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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