Fertility awareness methods (FAM) vs Hormonal coil (IUS)

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Fertility awareness methods (FAM)

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Hormonal coil (IUS)

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Rated 4.3

155 reviews



92% - 98%



Blood clot risk


Effect on fertility

Rated 3.5

813 reviews

Every 3-8 years


Over 99%



Blood clot risk


Effect on fertility

Fertility awareness methods (FAM) ingredients

Fertility awareness methods is an umbrella term for a method of contraception that works by being able to identify when in the menstrual cycle you are fertile through a range of factors.

Hormonal coil (IUS) ingredients

Main hormones in Hormonal coil (IUS)


What Lowdown reviewers say

51% very positive

63% no change

49% increased sex drive

83% no impact

61% no impact on skin

Cycle return

64% in 1 month

43% no impact on mood

48% stopped periods

48% no impact

59% no impact

53% no impact on skin

Cycle return

31% don’t know impact

Benefits: What this contraceptive can help with

There are no benefits that are recognised in scientific research or guidelines for this contraceptive



Heavy periods


Period pain

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Fertility awareness methods (FAM) reviews

155 reviews

Fertility awareness methods (FAM)  
Used for 3 - 5 yr
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  5th Jan 25

Natural Cycles App  

I've had an entirely positive experience using Natural Cycles. While using the impant I was struggling with acne, mood swings, irregular periods. And since swapping to use Natural Cycles I've felt much better in myself, my periods are very regular, I feel I understand my body and cycle so much more, and my skin has cleared up. In 5 years of using it it's been 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, I'm very careful to measure consistently, and I use the Oura Ring to help get accurate readings. But this small effort seems like a small price to pay in exchange for getting rid of all the nasty side effects of my previous contraception

Very positive mood

0 helpful


Fertility awareness methods (FAM)  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  6th Jun 24

Natural Cycles App  

I started using Natural Cycles a few years back. I was never on any birth control as a teenager as my mum didn't want my young body being put on hormones. However, once I settled down with my current long-term partner, I wanted to have the peace of mind that I wasn't going to fall pregnant. The first few years of using Natural Cycles were great and empowering, understanding the changes in my body and knowing when I had ovulated was great. What I had failed to understand was it predicted with its algorithm your date of next month's ovulation based on your previous month. Well. I managed to fall pregnant not once, but twice in the space of 8 months. The first time around, I thought it was my fault and I had not taken my temps properly (even though I never had an issue in the past). I had a surgical abortion as I was 3 months pregnant before I actually found out. I was willing to try again and really get to grips with it even though the clinic was very strongly advising me to go on some form of HBC. In the past 6 months, my body has recovered from the abortion and got back into its usual swing of periods and I saw I was ovulating again. This time around I invested in an Oura ring to pair with my NC app to be certain of my temps being taken. All was well, I stuck to my green and red days religiously. I use the pull-out method on red days (if we do have sex). And I trust our pull-out method completely because we definitely know he does not ejaculate inside of me or we tend to stick to oral sex rather than penetrative. I noticed my temperatures lately had been higher than usual and my ovulation was confirmed a bit earlier than usual. I didn't think much of it as I had stuck to our red days and green days as shown. When I went on calendar view, I saw that my fertile window just gone was a lot shorter than 6 days and I had unprotected sex (on a green day) that was 2 days before I ovulated. I did a test and indeed am pregnant yet again. I contacted NC straight away and got them to go through my data, which they did and have taken full responsibility for the muck up with their algorithm. I advise you to check your fertile windows and note any other observations (cervical mucus), because the algorithm cannot be trusted. And from what I now know, ovulation may change throughout different cycles (stress, sleep etc). I will no longer be using them ever again which is sad as I did so enjoy using it.

Somewhat positive mood

2 helpful


Fertility awareness methods (FAM)  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  4th Jun 24

Natural Cycles App  


Very positive mood

1 helpful


Fertility awareness methods (FAM)  
Used for 3 - 5 yr
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  5th Jan 25

Natural Cycles App  

I've had an entirely positive experience using Natural Cycles. While using the impant I was struggling with acne, mood swings, irregular periods. And since swapping to use Natural Cycles I've felt much better in myself, my periods are very regular, I feel I understand my body and cycle so much more, and my skin has cleared up. In 5 years of using it it's been 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, I'm very careful to measure consistently, and I use the Oura Ring to help get accurate readings. But this small effort seems like a small price to pay in exchange for getting rid of all the nasty side effects of my previous contraception

Very positive mood

0 helpful


Fertility awareness methods (FAM)  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  6th Jun 24

Natural Cycles App  

I started using Natural Cycles a few years back. I was never on any birth control as a teenager as my mum didn't want my young body being put on hormones. However, once I settled down with my current long-term partner, I wanted to have the peace of mind that I wasn't going to fall pregnant. The first few years of using Natural Cycles were great and empowering, understanding the changes in my body and knowing when I had ovulated was great. What I had failed to understand was it predicted with its algorithm your date of next month's ovulation based on your previous month. Well. I managed to fall pregnant not once, but twice in the space of 8 months. The first time around, I thought it was my fault and I had not taken my temps properly (even though I never had an issue in the past). I had a surgical abortion as I was 3 months pregnant before I actually found out. I was willing to try again and really get to grips with it even though the clinic was very strongly advising me to go on some form of HBC. In the past 6 months, my body has recovered from the abortion and got back into its usual swing of periods and I saw I was ovulating again. This time around I invested in an Oura ring to pair with my NC app to be certain of my temps being taken. All was well, I stuck to my green and red days religiously. I use the pull-out method on red days (if we do have sex). And I trust our pull-out method completely because we definitely know he does not ejaculate inside of me or we tend to stick to oral sex rather than penetrative. I noticed my temperatures lately had been higher than usual and my ovulation was confirmed a bit earlier than usual. I didn't think much of it as I had stuck to our red days and green days as shown. When I went on calendar view, I saw that my fertile window just gone was a lot shorter than 6 days and I had unprotected sex (on a green day) that was 2 days before I ovulated. I did a test and indeed am pregnant yet again. I contacted NC straight away and got them to go through my data, which they did and have taken full responsibility for the muck up with their algorithm. I advise you to check your fertile windows and note any other observations (cervical mucus), because the algorithm cannot be trusted. And from what I now know, ovulation may change throughout different cycles (stress, sleep etc). I will no longer be using them ever again which is sad as I did so enjoy using it.

Somewhat positive mood

2 helpful


Fertility awareness methods (FAM)  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  4th Jun 24

Natural Cycles App  


Very positive mood

1 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS) reviews

813 reviews

Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
21 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Mirena coil  

Never having to worry about condoms is such a great plus. I had a lot of pain in the first six months and three 11+ day periods. Afterwards, my periods have stopped totally and I only get the occasional cramp, akin to an ovulation cramp. My libido has decreased slightly and my breast have gotten bigger. Overall it’s been a great help in my sex life

Decreased sex drive

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 12 - 18 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Jaydess coil  

At first all the skin problems I got from it scarred me. But I first started Jaydesss becuse of extremely painfull periods. This absolutely helped, I mostly lost my period which I thought I will never be lucky enough to experience in my life. The skin problems got a bit less annoying and extreme after I lost my periods. But at first I had really painfull pimples all over me - my face, chest, back, especially back on y neck and under my hair - on my head (i never had that before ever). Later I only experienced a few shoulder and face pimples. Since my period is gone, my back pain and cramps are gone completely. I am so happy and I feel like I no longer have to fight a battle with my body every month. I am a happier person, I feel mentally healthier. Before that I was scarred what the month will bring with body pain and how I will hide blood stain that was everywhere, ruining my clothes, bedsheets, even towels. There was so much blood and now there is none and I feel lucky :)

Worse skin

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 5 - 8 yr
33 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  3 weeks ago

Mirena coil  

Got on really well for first few years but after year 5 the side effects seem to have become more frequent/worse.

Somewhat negative mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
21 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Mirena coil  

Never having to worry about condoms is such a great plus. I had a lot of pain in the first six months and three 11+ day periods. Afterwards, my periods have stopped totally and I only get the occasional cramp, akin to an ovulation cramp. My libido has decreased slightly and my breast have gotten bigger. Overall it’s been a great help in my sex life

Decreased sex drive

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 12 - 18 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Jaydess coil  

At first all the skin problems I got from it scarred me. But I first started Jaydesss becuse of extremely painfull periods. This absolutely helped, I mostly lost my period which I thought I will never be lucky enough to experience in my life. The skin problems got a bit less annoying and extreme after I lost my periods. But at first I had really painfull pimples all over me - my face, chest, back, especially back on y neck and under my hair - on my head (i never had that before ever). Later I only experienced a few shoulder and face pimples. Since my period is gone, my back pain and cramps are gone completely. I am so happy and I feel like I no longer have to fight a battle with my body every month. I am a happier person, I feel mentally healthier. Before that I was scarred what the month will bring with body pain and how I will hide blood stain that was everywhere, ruining my clothes, bedsheets, even towels. There was so much blood and now there is none and I feel lucky :)

Worse skin

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 5 - 8 yr
33 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  3 weeks ago

Mirena coil  

Got on really well for first few years but after year 5 the side effects seem to have become more frequent/worse.

Somewhat negative mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 8+ yr
47 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  3 weeks ago

Mirena coil  

I used an Mirena coil over 12 years, having 3 inserted over that time. The first one was great, I was really pleased with it. Periods basically stopped and no real side effects. With the 2nd one there was sometimes period pain aches after sex but not always. However when it came to have it replaced nearly 6 years later it had moved and took some finding. At the time I just had the new one immediately put in but I was worried about it moving again and didn't relax so have had it taken out after only a year. As I am now 48 I do not know if things like my mood, no sex drive, random spotting, or anything else was linked to the Mirena or peri-menopause, so have not listed them as side effects for this (as more likely peri at this age)

Gained weight

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
20 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 month ago

Kyleena coil  

I've always had painful periods and the month before I got my coil, my period hurt so much I actually threw up and that's when I decided I would do something about it. I've been on the pill before (rigevidon/microgynon) but it negatively affected my mood, I had terrible anxiety and generally felt horrible all the time so I stopped. When I got the coil, the sexual health clinic I went to used spray anaesthesia, but it still really hurt. The thing is, it only hurt for about a couple seconds, where it basically felt like your insides are being crushed and you're having the worst possible cramps ever (x10). Afterwards, I had normal (period-like) cramping for the rest of the day but they gave me a heat pack which really helped. I had spotting for about 3 months afterwards (yes, every single day) but it was fine and after a while I got used to just wearing a pantyliner every day. I'm really glad my periods are very light now (I've missed it once only) but it's still there. I don't know whether it will disappear or not, but one of the reasons I chose kyleena over mirena is in hopes my periods won't completely disappear, just for peace of mind that I'm not pregnant lol. I have terrible breast tenderness sometimes, like it hurts to even touch, I can't tell if it's before I get my period or during ovulation, but it definitely appears once every month or so. My breasts didn't grow though so that's a bit of a disappointment compared to the pill.... All in all, I haven't noticed any mood changes, I'm still definitely very attracted to my partner, and he doesn't feel it during sex. There were a few times early on when he thought he did, but I got it checked and it was all good, I think he just had it in his head.

Top side effects not reported

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 month ago

Levosert coil  

First few month I havent notice any side effects at all, but after like 4 months time it does get worst day by day with all the symptoms mentioned above, especially lower back pain. I always had a pain in there before coil but it was somehow managable but now not possible even rolling on bed to another side causing me a lot of pain. Plus the endo is still growing back and having full on period, I did agree to have this coil to stopthese 2 major symptoms of my endo but the the inflamaction in my body is still high with estrogen levels sky high so there is not reason for me to keep it in,the coil definetly didnt work on my stage 4 endo and adenomyosis and will be removed today after 9 months. Hope it will help to other people everyone body works differently It does seem synthetic hormones doesnt agree with me Had the same with birth control, had to come off due heavy period while on pills and pain was still present with huge side effects. Lasted on pills 3 years.

Very negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 12 - 18 mo
36 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 month ago

Kyleena coil  

The lack of periods has been nice. But I experiences a dramatic decrease in sex drive from the moment it was put it and it takes a lot to turn me on. 12 months in, I noticed a lot of hairs drop happening and now my hair is notably thinner with a lot of breaks - I'm considering whipping it out.

Decreased sex drive

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 3 - 5 yr
31 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 month ago

Kyleena coil  

I had the Kyleena twice. It worked very well for me in regulating and making my heavy periods lighter. It probably masked my symptoms of endometriosis for years, which was diagnosed after removing the coil and going hormone free for a while. A few months after having replaced the first IUD for the second one as it had nearly been five years, my relationship broke down and I no longer needed contraception. When I went to have the coil removed, my doctor saw that it had been dislodged, had moved downwards, and would have not protected against pregnancy. I had heavy cramps at the time which I did not link to the IUD until I learned about this. Due to endometriosis and not being able to take the pill anymore, I have recently gone for the Mirena. I hope that without period cup use this will stay in place. In terms of side effects, the Kyleena gave me adult acne but this was managed with prescription cremes. I also had hair loss for about a year with the onset of this side effect around month seven after insertion. While I lost a few kilograms following the insertion I also gained them back so I cannot judge whether it affected my overall weight. Other than that this method worked very well for me. While I feel slightly ambivalent after having dislodged a coil, I really hope that the Mirena will work just as well for me as the first Kyleena did.

Worse skin

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 12 - 18 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  24th Feb 25

Hormonal coil (IUS)  

Jaydess is okay but not for me I’d say. It was painful to put in and I bled for 5 months straight, I bled heavily until I was taken for a scan and it did stop a week before the scan. But the scan then disturbed my uterus and I started bleeding again for around a month. Since then I have gained over 10kg, I don’t get period at all but I do get the PMS symptoms. No spots but I do get abdominal pain here and there. Whenever I have stomach pains they are 5 times as worse due to the coil. I never had these problems before… I am scared to have it taken out because I know it will hurt lol but otherwise it is effective and prevents pregnancy just not a fan of the other health problems I now have because of it.

Gained weight

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
31 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  24th Feb 25

Mirena coil  

Insertion was incredibly painful and had cramping for 3-4 days following. It's mostly been fine and no massive changes apart from excessive bloating and nausea. Since going on the coil I've been diagnosed with IBS which I didn't have symptoms for before so I wonder if it's linked. I had no periods for 5 months and now just really light or spotting for a few days.

Decreased sex drive

0 helpful


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