Levosert coil and dizziness

How our community feel they have been impacted by dizziness on levosert coil

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Out of the 24 reviews for levosert coil, 3 people (13%) reported dizziness.

Reviewers that reported dizziness as a side effect

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

Used for 6 - 12 mo
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 week ago

First few month I havent notice any side effects at all, but after like 4 months time it does get worst day by day with all the symptoms mentioned above, especially lower back pain. I always had a pain in there before coil but it was somehow managable but now not possible even rolling on bed to another side causing me a lot of pain. Plus the endo is still growing back and having full on period, I did agree to have this coil to stopthese 2 major symptoms of my endo but the the inflamaction in my body is still high with estrogen levels sky high so there is not reason for me to keep it in,the coil definetly didnt work on my stage 4 endo and adenomyosis and will be removed today after 9 months. Hope it will help to other people everyone body works differently It does seem synthetic hormones doesnt agree with me Had the same with birth control, had to come off due heavy period while on pills and pain was still present with huge side effects. Lasted on pills 3 years.

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Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  30th Jun 23

I got the Levosert fitted 10 days ago so can't comment on longer term side effects but so far haven't noticed any except for the first few days after fitting. I was worried about how much it would hurt as I haven't had children and am very petite (not sure if that makes a difference). The fitting itself was painful, but it was over so quickly it was definitely worth it. I think there were 2 or 3 times during the procedure where I felt intense pain but each of these lasted literally a few seconds each. I had 3-5 days of discomfort similar to period pains/back ache afterwards and feeling a bit rubbish as a result, but nothing awful (not worth a day off work). I had some bleeding after the fitting and some weird solid white grissle stuff coming out for a couple of days. Since then I've felt absolutely fine physically. I couldn't feel the strings (tried as soon as I got home and everyday after for a week), which I was worried about. I went back to the clinic for them to check. They said its fine but the combination of my short fingers and (newly discovered!) high up left sided cervix means I am unlikely to be able to feel them. That's the only thing that bothers me slightly as you're supposed to check the strings every month. Knowing it lasts 6 years is great and I wish I'd got it years ago

Very positive mood

1 helpful


Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  5th Jan 23

I have experienced unlikely side effects by loosing half of my hair in 2 months, itchy scalp, delayed period by 20 days and low iron level. Never was given a choice of coil by NHS doctor which coil I prefer during insertion appointment beforehand mentioning Mirena worn twice and had no issues at all. During coil taking out appointment I asked why Levosert has been inserted - apparently this is the cheaper option of Mirena. Often cheap means a loss of quality which I have experienced on my own health. Really disappointed in our health service!!! My hair loss has stopped in a week's time since removal of a coil. Ended up prescribed 3 months intake of an iron vitamin and taking a break from all hormonal coils.

Top side effects not reported

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Levosert coil common side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

54% of levosert coil reviewers reported period like cramps

33% of levosert coil reviewers reported sweating more than usual

33% of levosert coil reviewers reported tender breasts

25% of levosert coil reviewers reported vaginal discharge

25% of levosert coil reviewers reported breast enlargement

Possible levosert coil side effects

Data is taken from self reported Lowdown user reviews

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