Levosert coil vs Jaydess coil

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Levosert coil

Want to switch contraception?

Jaydess coil

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Rated 3.4

22 reviews

Every 8 years


Over 99%



Blood clot risk


Effect on fertility

Rated 3.6

97 reviews

Every 3 years


Over 99%



Blood clot risk


Effect on fertility

Levosert coil ingredients

Main hormones in Levosert coil

Androgenic progestogen

Jaydess coil ingredients

Main hormones in Jaydess coil

Androgenic progestogen

What Lowdown reviewers say

32% no impact on mood

46% lighter periods

55% no impact

77% no impact

57% no impact on skin

Cycle return

50% in 2 months

44% no impact on mood

35% stopped periods

57% no impact

67% no impact

48% no impact on skin

Cycle return

44% don’t know impact

Benefits: What this contraceptive can help with



Heavy periods

Period pain


Heavy periods

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Real life reviews from people like you

Levosert coil reviews

22 reviews

Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
43 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  14th May 24

Levosert coil  

I have pmdd, I could not track my cycle with an iud fitted, it helped initially then made me so much worse. I seen 3 doctors who didn't help, I'm now treating holistically, tracking my cycle and tailoring my food, lifestyle, exercising to my cycle and Somatic healing.

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Very negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
34 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  11th Feb 24

Levosert coil  

Insertion not too bad, just a small quick pain. Found to be a good contraceptive over 8-9 months - no weight change/mood change. A little uncomfortable during sex. Main issue was the dramatic hair loss. I lost around a quarter of my hair around hairline and in volume. Had removed for this reason.

Top side effects not reported

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
30 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  27th Dec 23

Levosert coil  

Before Levosert I had been on and off the mini pill for around 7 years (and on the combined pill prior to that since the age of 18). While I didn’t hate the pill, I did have some unwanted side effects and wanted to try a more long term contraceptive. It is important to note that I didn’t have any bleeding on the pill. The main side effects that bothered me were vaginal dryness (never had discharge and had uncomfortable sex) and the inability to wear contact lenses as my eyes were so dry and I was sure this was down to the pill as I hadn’t had problems before the mini pill. I decided to ask for local anaesthetic for the fitting and so mentioned that on the phone when doing the initial consultation, I was told if I hadn’t mentioned wanting pain relief myself (I wasnt asked about it at all) I would have been booked in with a nurse who wasn’t trained in giving the anaesthetic so it’s important to mention that early on if you want it! For the day of fitting (a Friday), I took the day off work and knew I had the weekend to recover. I also made sure to eat and drink a little before, take ibruprofen and paracetamol and also put on a beyou patch. I had my partner drive me to and from the appointment and took in a bottle of water/emergency chocolate in my bag incase I felt faint. The actual fitting was fine for me! The nurses were amazing and knew I was really nervous, the local anaesthetic injection felt similar to the scratch you feel when you get numbed for dental work for example (obviously weird feeling due to it being in your cervix) in terms of pain. The numbing starts straight away so it only added a minute or two on to the process as she prepped the coil while the injection was kicking in. I couldn’t feel anything in my cervix area for the actual insertion and felt a couple of quite strong cramps which weren’t as bad as I was expecting, and it was over in seconds. They made sure I was feeling okay before I left which I was (no dizziness or pain) and went on my way just feeling relieved that it was in and a bit nervous for the cramps to come. About 5/10 mins after I did start getting bad cramps, a bit worse than my usual periods and did want to just get into my bed so would recommend getting a lift home! I had around 4 hours of really bad cramps which were manageable as I just stayed in bed then by the time I was able to have my next lot of painkillers, the pain dulled to a normal period then then slowly disappeared! I had on and off cramps for a few days but nothing bad at all and no bleeding. Since I have had regular very light periods (which seem to be getting lighter every month and I suspect they may stop) and I have had less dryness and been able to wear my contact lenses again! I have had absolutely no problems with the coil and would get another fitted in a heartbeat! This one lasts 6 years but the nurse told me that in Europe it has been licensed for longer so by the time I need a new one, I may be told it can stay in for a couple more years.

Somewhat positive mood

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
43 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  14th May 24

Levosert coil  

I have pmdd, I could not track my cycle with an iud fitted, it helped initially then made me so much worse. I seen 3 doctors who didn't help, I'm now treating holistically, tracking my cycle and tailoring my food, lifestyle, exercising to my cycle and Somatic healing.

Very negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
34 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  11th Feb 24

Levosert coil  

Insertion not too bad, just a small quick pain. Found to be a good contraceptive over 8-9 months - no weight change/mood change. A little uncomfortable during sex. Main issue was the dramatic hair loss. I lost around a quarter of my hair around hairline and in volume. Had removed for this reason.

Top side effects not reported

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
30 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  27th Dec 23

Levosert coil  

Before Levosert I had been on and off the mini pill for around 7 years (and on the combined pill prior to that since the age of 18). While I didn’t hate the pill, I did have some unwanted side effects and wanted to try a more long term contraceptive. It is important to note that I didn’t have any bleeding on the pill. The main side effects that bothered me were vaginal dryness (never had discharge and had uncomfortable sex) and the inability to wear contact lenses as my eyes were so dry and I was sure this was down to the pill as I hadn’t had problems before the mini pill. I decided to ask for local anaesthetic for the fitting and so mentioned that on the phone when doing the initial consultation, I was told if I hadn’t mentioned wanting pain relief myself (I wasnt asked about it at all) I would have been booked in with a nurse who wasn’t trained in giving the anaesthetic so it’s important to mention that early on if you want it! For the day of fitting (a Friday), I took the day off work and knew I had the weekend to recover. I also made sure to eat and drink a little before, take ibruprofen and paracetamol and also put on a beyou patch. I had my partner drive me to and from the appointment and took in a bottle of water/emergency chocolate in my bag incase I felt faint. The actual fitting was fine for me! The nurses were amazing and knew I was really nervous, the local anaesthetic injection felt similar to the scratch you feel when you get numbed for dental work for example (obviously weird feeling due to it being in your cervix) in terms of pain. The numbing starts straight away so it only added a minute or two on to the process as she prepped the coil while the injection was kicking in. I couldn’t feel anything in my cervix area for the actual insertion and felt a couple of quite strong cramps which weren’t as bad as I was expecting, and it was over in seconds. They made sure I was feeling okay before I left which I was (no dizziness or pain) and went on my way just feeling relieved that it was in and a bit nervous for the cramps to come. About 5/10 mins after I did start getting bad cramps, a bit worse than my usual periods and did want to just get into my bed so would recommend getting a lift home! I had around 4 hours of really bad cramps which were manageable as I just stayed in bed then by the time I was able to have my next lot of painkillers, the pain dulled to a normal period then then slowly disappeared! I had on and off cramps for a few days but nothing bad at all and no bleeding. Since I have had regular very light periods (which seem to be getting lighter every month and I suspect they may stop) and I have had less dryness and been able to wear my contact lenses again! I have had absolutely no problems with the coil and would get another fitted in a heartbeat! This one lasts 6 years but the nurse told me that in Europe it has been licensed for longer so by the time I need a new one, I may be told it can stay in for a couple more years.

Somewhat positive mood

0 helpful


Jaydess coil reviews

97 reviews

Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
24 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  8th Jun 24

Jaydess coil  

Only hormonal contraception that hasn’t caused mental health issues ! I feel myself and my moods are actually better than when I had the copper IUD and my periods are way lighter. I have PCOS and I haven’t noticed an increase in dark excess hairs and I haven’t had any problems with acne but I have taken accutane in the past which often fixes acne permanently.

Somewhat positive mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  7th May 24

Jaydess coil  

jaydess coil. i wanted a low hormone coil after bad experiences with pills. best thing ive tried. some negative mood and quite a few cramps initially, but pretty good now.

Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  19th Mar 24

Jaydess coil  

After being on and off oral contraceptives (most of the time cyproterone acetate 2.00 mg and ethinylestradiol tablets 35 mcg) I found moving to a hormonal IUD to be a total game-changer. Positives: Predominantly for my moods and the feeling of being in tune with my body (less water retention etc.). Although my hormonal prone acne got worse for a period of time (2-3 months), this eventually came right. I also lost the positive anti-androgen effects that I was on the pill for. I would say the improvement in mood was so significant for this alone it was worth switching the IUD. Other benefits; not having to think about the pill every day and going from heavy bleeding to light and then non-existent bleeding. Negatives: After nearly 1 year and a half of having the IUD I had a recurring UTI and several courses of antibiotics. I developed lower abdominal pain, bloating, pain after sex and thrush. This would come and go. Results only came back with BV. My gynaecologist suggested a course of Uro-Vaxom (3 months). This didn't resolve my symptoms so I suggested I would like to remove the IUD to see if it would help getting my periods back to rebalance my vaginal microbiome. After removing the IUD and two menstrual cycles later, all my symptoms were gone. I would still highly recommend this contraception - I had zero problems and only benefits up until the UTI and antibiotics.

Somewhat positive mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
24 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  8th Jun 24

Jaydess coil  

Only hormonal contraception that hasn’t caused mental health issues ! I feel myself and my moods are actually better than when I had the copper IUD and my periods are way lighter. I have PCOS and I haven’t noticed an increase in dark excess hairs and I haven’t had any problems with acne but I have taken accutane in the past which often fixes acne permanently.

Somewhat positive mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  7th May 24

Jaydess coil  

jaydess coil. i wanted a low hormone coil after bad experiences with pills. best thing ive tried. some negative mood and quite a few cramps initially, but pretty good now.

Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  19th Mar 24

Jaydess coil  

After being on and off oral contraceptives (most of the time cyproterone acetate 2.00 mg and ethinylestradiol tablets 35 mcg) I found moving to a hormonal IUD to be a total game-changer. Positives: Predominantly for my moods and the feeling of being in tune with my body (less water retention etc.). Although my hormonal prone acne got worse for a period of time (2-3 months), this eventually came right. I also lost the positive anti-androgen effects that I was on the pill for. I would say the improvement in mood was so significant for this alone it was worth switching the IUD. Other benefits; not having to think about the pill every day and going from heavy bleeding to light and then non-existent bleeding. Negatives: After nearly 1 year and a half of having the IUD I had a recurring UTI and several courses of antibiotics. I developed lower abdominal pain, bloating, pain after sex and thrush. This would come and go. Results only came back with BV. My gynaecologist suggested a course of Uro-Vaxom (3 months). This didn't resolve my symptoms so I suggested I would like to remove the IUD to see if it would help getting my periods back to rebalance my vaginal microbiome. After removing the IUD and two menstrual cycles later, all my symptoms were gone. I would still highly recommend this contraception - I had zero problems and only benefits up until the UTI and antibiotics.

Somewhat positive mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
25 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  11th Feb 24

Jaydess coil  

For ages I was against using any hormonal contraception and strictly only used condoms. This was from a bad experience using the combined pill where it made me feel puffy and just not myself. After getting into a relationship I felt like condoms were working but not really what I wanted to use anymore in order to feel close to my partner. Tried to use natural cycles for a bit but ended up super paranoid all the time and doing pregnancy tests every month, I just didn’t trust it. I spoke to friends and researched loads before deciding jaydess would probably work for me. When I went to the doctors (nhs) it wasn’t offered so I had to get it prescribed and bring it with me to my appointment - not sure the reason why. The insertion was painful but the doctor I had was great with me. I took the whole day off work and felt a quite funny after but I just rested and looked after myself and was back to normal the day after. I had no bleeding or cramps after only until what came to be my period. So far I’ve found that my periods are lighter but last a long time, I think this will regulate. It’s been a bit annoying but there’s hardly any pain and slowly slowly it feels like it will get better. I’ve had it for nearly 3 months and I don’t notice it at all, my partner doesn’t and I had my check up and all was fine. I haven’t had any bad side affects so far! I would recommend to all my friends I think it’s so great to not think about or worry about pregnant while also only having a small does of localised hormone.

Top side effects not reported

0 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
36 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  22nd Nov 23

Jaydess coil  

I had this fitted this morning to help with endometriosis and wow I didn’t expect how much the insertion would hurt. They tried to fit the Mirena but my body just wouldn’t let me as it was too big so inserted this instead. Whoever wrote the protocols for this insertion was definitely a man.. keeping everything crossed this works.

Top side effects not reported

1 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
38 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  30th Oct 23

Jaydess coil  

For me possibly the best of the hormonal options I tried (Nuvaring & POP)...definitely in terms of comfort level (and for me the biggest pro is that I have 0 worry about getting pregnant and I can forget about the admin of contraception. When I was using condoms I was an anxious mess about getting pregnant...) but I am still on the fence and may have it removed. Insertion was awful (no painkiller offered) and I was almost completely out of action for 3 days after: pain, headaches, my uterus and ovaries wanted to basically run away and I could hardly walk my dog! Oh yes and quite hormonal as well. So be organised in case this is how your body reacts too. I believed the "most people find it uncomfortable but not painful" official line..must have been written by a man lol. It went way beyond uncomfortable for me. I started bleeding/spotting for about 2 months without stopping immidiately after insertion. It wasn't too worrying but rather annoying. Had to buy more black undies as kept ruining my lighter coloured ones! I had my first proper period 2 months in. I stopped ovulating and I miss my natural cycle and my juices and the libido that comes with it. That being said I do experience vaginal dryness to an extent. I put on about 2lbs (1kg) As only had it over 2.5 months, it's still early days and if things settle down with the spotting and I don't get more annoying side effects I may stay with it a bit longer as I find it very convenient.

Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

1 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
29 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  29th Oct 23

Jaydess coil  

I previously had another hormonal contraceptive before changing to jaydess. I changed to jaydess as I wanted fewer hormones in comparison to the last. I didn't experience periods with either contraceptive forms, which worked for me at the time, but then I began to grow paranoid at the effect it was having on my body. I didn't experience any "negative" side effects other than that I noticed I was experiencing dark facial hair on my chin leading down to my neck, about 6 hairs in total. But totally killed my confidence. I had the jaydess removed 3 weeks ago, experienced what I believe is a withdrawal bleed so awaiting the true return of my period... which I'm hoping won't take too long to return! Massive positive since removal is how much I've noticed my sex drive has increased! I didn't even truly realise how it had effected it.

Somewhat positive mood

1 more effect

1 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 3 - 6 mo
30 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  18th Jul 23

Jaydess coil  

I have the jaydess coil and I've recently got pregnant. The coil is not misplaced and the pregnancy is not ectopic. Jaydess definitely DID NOT work for me.

Somewhat negative mood

1 more effect

2 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
25 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  17th Jun 23

Jaydess coil  

I had absolutely horrendous, debilitating pelvic pain that lasted a couple of days several times on the coil. No doctor could explain why, bit it felt like I was going to pass out. The process of having it fitted was also extremely painful, stressful, and borderline traumatic. Being told to take paracetamol before did not help in any way.

Somewhat negative mood

2 more effects

1 helpful


Hormonal coil (IUS)  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
23 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  5th Jun 23

Jaydess coil  

I got the Jaydess IUD two and a half months ago. It was inserted without painkillers/anesthesia so I found insertion painful (but the procedure is short). Cramping lasted a few days and then intermittently for the first few weeks. Constant spot bleeding lasted little over two months but since then this has faded. I have noticed my periods getting lighter since insertion, and I'm holding out hope they'll stop altogether. I chose Jaydess over Mirena as I was worried about the hormonal imbalance the Mirena may cause, however now I feel more confident and will likely select the Mirena the next time I update my IUD in order to stop periods altogether.

Increased sex drive

1 helpful


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