Jaydess coil vs Mirena coil
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Rated 3.6
106 reviews
Every 3 years
Over 99%
Blood clot risk
Effect on fertility
Rated 3.5
546 reviews
Every 8 years
Over 99%
Blood clot risk
Effect on fertility
What Lowdown reviewers say
Benefits: What this contraceptive can help with
Heavy periods
Heavy periods
Period pain
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Jaydess coil reviews
106 reviews
Used for 12 - 18 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 2 weeks ago
At first all the skin problems I got from it scarred me. But I first started Jaydesss becuse of extremely painfull periods. This absolutely helped, I mostly lost my period which I thought I will never be lucky enough to experience in my life. The skin problems got a bit less annoying and extreme after I lost my periods. But at first I had really painfull pimples all over me - my face, chest, back, especially back on y neck and under my hair - on my head (i never had that before ever). Later I only experienced a few shoulder and face pimples. Since my period is gone, my back pain and cramps are gone completely. I am so happy and I feel like I no longer have to fight a battle with my body every month. I am a happier person, I feel mentally healthier. Before that I was scarred what the month will bring with body pain and how I will hide blood stain that was everywhere, ruining my clothes, bedsheets, even towels. There was so much blood and now there is none and I feel lucky :)
Worse skin
0 helpful
Used for 3 - 6 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 15th Feb 25
I love this coil! I was keen to have a copper coil initially but as I already had quite painful periods I was advised against this and I love the Jaydess! Initially I had some spotting after insertion but my period / ovulation dates are the same (I was tracking my cycles before) the only difference now is that my periods are lighter and a bit longer than they were previously (before they were 3 days and now about 5-7 days but about 2 or 3 of those is just spotting). They are also generally less painful (although the pains feel different - more like the deep cramps you get when the coil is inserted rather than my old period pains). I really like this coil and it is very low hormone so haven't really noticed much in the way of hormonal side effects - my boobs get a bit more tender pre period and I think I might have had like one more spot than is usual for me but that also might be diet related! I haven't noticed any bloating or weight change! It's really really good and I reccomend it!
Very positive mood
0 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 27th Nov 24
I’ve had this coil in for around 5 weeks now which isn’t a long time but it’s the best i’ve used so far. I have had positive experiences with copper IUDs in the past but they have all rejected due to strong period cramps, so I decided to give the Jaydess a try as it is the lowest dose of hormones available. I initially had it inserted a week after my period and the following week I started my period that lasted 17 days, very heavily. I didn't have any mood swings or weight gain in that time, but the cramps were SO bad for the entire time. On the weight gain, my experience might be skewed as I go to the gym and do very rigorous cardio 6 days per week. I have ultra dry skin also, so I cannot comment on acne as I luckily don’t suffer from it, apart from one super huge spot that came up on week 4. So far so good girls, stay safe and good luck!
Somewhat positive mood
1 helpful
Used for 12 - 18 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 2 weeks ago
At first all the skin problems I got from it scarred me. But I first started Jaydesss becuse of extremely painfull periods. This absolutely helped, I mostly lost my period which I thought I will never be lucky enough to experience in my life. The skin problems got a bit less annoying and extreme after I lost my periods. But at first I had really painfull pimples all over me - my face, chest, back, especially back on y neck and under my hair - on my head (i never had that before ever). Later I only experienced a few shoulder and face pimples. Since my period is gone, my back pain and cramps are gone completely. I am so happy and I feel like I no longer have to fight a battle with my body every month. I am a happier person, I feel mentally healthier. Before that I was scarred what the month will bring with body pain and how I will hide blood stain that was everywhere, ruining my clothes, bedsheets, even towels. There was so much blood and now there is none and I feel lucky :)
Worse skin
0 helpful
Used for 3 - 6 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 15th Feb 25
I love this coil! I was keen to have a copper coil initially but as I already had quite painful periods I was advised against this and I love the Jaydess! Initially I had some spotting after insertion but my period / ovulation dates are the same (I was tracking my cycles before) the only difference now is that my periods are lighter and a bit longer than they were previously (before they were 3 days and now about 5-7 days but about 2 or 3 of those is just spotting). They are also generally less painful (although the pains feel different - more like the deep cramps you get when the coil is inserted rather than my old period pains). I really like this coil and it is very low hormone so haven't really noticed much in the way of hormonal side effects - my boobs get a bit more tender pre period and I think I might have had like one more spot than is usual for me but that also might be diet related! I haven't noticed any bloating or weight change! It's really really good and I reccomend it!
Very positive mood
0 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 27th Nov 24
I’ve had this coil in for around 5 weeks now which isn’t a long time but it’s the best i’ve used so far. I have had positive experiences with copper IUDs in the past but they have all rejected due to strong period cramps, so I decided to give the Jaydess a try as it is the lowest dose of hormones available. I initially had it inserted a week after my period and the following week I started my period that lasted 17 days, very heavily. I didn't have any mood swings or weight gain in that time, but the cramps were SO bad for the entire time. On the weight gain, my experience might be skewed as I go to the gym and do very rigorous cardio 6 days per week. I have ultra dry skin also, so I cannot comment on acne as I luckily don’t suffer from it, apart from one super huge spot that came up on week 4. So far so good girls, stay safe and good luck!
Somewhat positive mood
1 helpful
Mirena coil reviews
546 reviews
Used for 6 - 12 mo
21 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 1 week ago
Never having to worry about condoms is such a great plus. I had a lot of pain in the first six months and three 11+ day periods. Afterwards, my periods have stopped totally and I only get the occasional cramp, akin to an ovulation cramp. My libido has decreased slightly and my breast have gotten bigger. Overall it’s been a great help in my sex life
Decreased sex drive
0 helpful
Used for 5 - 8 yr
33 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 3 weeks ago
Got on really well for first few years but after year 5 the side effects seem to have become more frequent/worse.
Somewhat negative mood
1 more effect
0 helpful
Used for 8+ yr
47 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 3 weeks ago
I used an Mirena coil over 12 years, having 3 inserted over that time. The first one was great, I was really pleased with it. Periods basically stopped and no real side effects. With the 2nd one there was sometimes period pain aches after sex but not always. However when it came to have it replaced nearly 6 years later it had moved and took some finding. At the time I just had the new one immediately put in but I was worried about it moving again and didn't relax so have had it taken out after only a year. As I am now 48 I do not know if things like my mood, no sex drive, random spotting, or anything else was linked to the Mirena or peri-menopause, so have not listed them as side effects for this (as more likely peri at this age)
Gained weight
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
21 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 1 week ago
Never having to worry about condoms is such a great plus. I had a lot of pain in the first six months and three 11+ day periods. Afterwards, my periods have stopped totally and I only get the occasional cramp, akin to an ovulation cramp. My libido has decreased slightly and my breast have gotten bigger. Overall it’s been a great help in my sex life
Decreased sex drive
0 helpful
Used for 5 - 8 yr
33 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 3 weeks ago
Got on really well for first few years but after year 5 the side effects seem to have become more frequent/worse.
Somewhat negative mood
1 more effect
0 helpful
Used for 8+ yr
47 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 3 weeks ago
I used an Mirena coil over 12 years, having 3 inserted over that time. The first one was great, I was really pleased with it. Periods basically stopped and no real side effects. With the 2nd one there was sometimes period pain aches after sex but not always. However when it came to have it replaced nearly 6 years later it had moved and took some finding. At the time I just had the new one immediately put in but I was worried about it moving again and didn't relax so have had it taken out after only a year. As I am now 48 I do not know if things like my mood, no sex drive, random spotting, or anything else was linked to the Mirena or peri-menopause, so have not listed them as side effects for this (as more likely peri at this age)
Gained weight
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
31 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 24th Feb 25
Insertion was incredibly painful and had cramping for 3-4 days following. It's mostly been fine and no massive changes apart from excessive bloating and nausea. Since going on the coil I've been diagnosed with IBS which I didn't have symptoms for before so I wonder if it's linked. I had no periods for 5 months and now just really light or spotting for a few days.
Decreased sex drive
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
42 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 24th Feb 25
I had to come off Mirena after about 8 months and paid to have it removed as the NHS were taking too long. My mood was through the floor, like really bad PMS but all of the time, I hated myself. This lifted almost immediately when it was removed. My periods were lighter but they were also really long, 12-14 days after normally being 4-6. Not much use as contraception if you're always on a period. The biggest side effect and reason for stopping though was heart palpitations. These are not listed on the side effects but a quick google will show you how common this is for women on mirena. They used to take my breath away when i was talking. As soon as I stopped, so did they so I have no doubt they were connected. A horrible experience and such a shame as I really was on the bottom of the list of options having tried most other things and I had really high hopes as this was working great for my sister.
Very negative mood
0 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
34 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 11th Feb 25
I had mirena fitted on 8/1/25. Insertion was absolutely fine, didn't feel anything at all. Since mirena fitted I was lightly bleeding for 3 weeks. Than stopped for 3 days and than I had my period(on time) so started again. Period is much lighter ( 1 pad a day) no cramps, or any other sides effects. Hopefully it will settle soon with my body if not and I will still bleeding or spotting I will go to remove it because I can compare a few days with periods then constantly bleeding or spotting. I feel absolutely fine.
Lost weight
0 helpful
Used for 3 - 6 mo
32 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 10th Feb 25
I have endometriosis and I tried so many different pills, the kyleena IUD too. All with very bad side effects. This is the first solution that is making my life a bit better than anything else. Overall, my daily life has improved versus no hormone solution , but I do struggle quite a bit with bad lower back pain and also bloating . But it’s still better than any other solution I’ve tried ..
Somewhat positive mood
1 more effect
0 helpful
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
23 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 4th Feb 25
Overall I am really happy with my Mirena coil. Only thing I really wanted to note was that my periods did initially stop completely but they have started coming back after about 2.5/3 years of having it. Although they are much lighter than before I have the coil it was something I wasnt expecting. I think its because the hormones from the coil are slightly weaker than when it first went in, so right now its enough against pregnancy but not enough against my periods (is my thinking). anyways other than that i love it. I dont think it affects my moods as much as the pill etc because the hormones are really localised to the uterus area rather than being all of my bloodstream, as such, i believe its a lot less hormones too than for the pill .
Top side effects not reported
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
20 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 19th Jan 25
minimal side affects comparted to my experience on the combined pill
Worse skin
0 helpful

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