Contraception Reviews


Joined at December 2023

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21st Dec 23
Lo Loestrin Fe birth control pill

After getting the IUD removed, I decided to go on Lolo and it was 1 year of misery! At first, it was nice not having a period and my breasts becoming enlarged, but with those 2 positives came a lot of negatives for this birth control. I suffered from depression (my thoughts would race all day and night, sometimes I would just cry out of no where and I couldn't understand why I was crying or upset), anxiety got 10x worse than what it was, I was always on edge and very negative towards everything, I lost my drive to do anything, headaches almost everyday to the point I was sick to my stomach. I decided a year later to take myself off of them. I have only been off them a few days now so I can't say how I will feel within the next few weeks | months.


Time used

6 - 12 months

Stopped using


Impact whilst using


Very positive


No change

Sex drive



Gained weight



Other side effects whilst using
 Sweating more than usual
 Vaginal dryness
 Breast enlargement
 Lower back pain
Experiences coming off Lo Loestrin Fe birth control pill

No experience provided

Impact after using


Very positive


Don't know

Sex drive

Don't know


Don't know

Cycle return to normal

12 - 18 months

Other side effects after using

No side effects provided
