Hormonal coil (IUS) vs Female condom
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Rated 3.5
792 reviews
Every 3-8 years
Over 99%
Blood clot risk
Effect on fertility
Rated 3.5
4 reviews
During or before sex
79% - 95%
Blood clot risk
Effect on fertility
Hormonal coil (IUS) ingredients
Main hormones in Hormonal coil (IUS)
Female condom ingredients
What Lowdown reviewers say
Benefits: What this contraceptive can help with
Heavy periods
Period pain
Protects against STIs
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Hormonal coil (IUS) reviews
792 reviews
Used for 3 - 6 mo
44 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 1 day ago
I had such high hopes for the Mirena to help with my heavy periods but sadly I'm nearing the six month mark and there has been no improvement in the long term, if anything my periods are worse and I can't find any reason online as to why. I couldn't put up with the monthly flooding any longer and the NHS waiting list was at least 12 months, so I paid privately for the Mirena to be fitted. The insertion was uncomfortable but bearable (I haven't had children) and I didn't experience any discomfort immediately afterwards. The cramps during menstruation in the first two months following the fitting were intense, but the period was lighter so it still seemed like a win overall and I remained hopeful the cramps would ease as my body got used to the coil. That has happened and the cramps have eased to next to nothing now, but strangely my periods after the three month mark have been horrendous. I've been losing clots bigger than I have experienced before and I am back in incontinence pads to manage the amount of blood I lose. I can't continue to afford to access private care and I remain on the NHS waiting list, where I guess I will discuss ablation when I finally reach the top of the list. I so wish this had worked for me because it seemed an easy option and importantly it didn't end my fertility, but sadly it wasn't to be. I don't know why I'm surprised it didn't work for me, this is just my luck!! I wish it hadn't cost me hundreds of pounds to find this out, but for those it works for it seems life changing so it very much felt like an avenue worth exploring.
Top side effects not reported
0 helpful
Used for 12 - 18 mo
36 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 3 weeks ago
Insertion was fine, just like a deep period cramp but only lasted 3 seconds. I was a little cranky for the rest of the day but no more than a regular period. I did bleed and spot for 4-6 weeks after insertion and then gradually over the last 12 months my periods have become lighter and lighter and have now stopped with only the odd day of spotting . What I will say is it doesn't totally prevent pms symptoms but has massively improved mines. I had to suffer from terrible tender breasts for 14 days leading up to my period and bad bloating ! That's gone now but I do still get a little emotional round about the time I would get my period. My only negative I can say is I have gained approx 1.5 stone but I can't say for certain it's this coil. I am hoping to diet and exs in the new year and lose it. Over all this is a brilliant form of contraception for me after trying so many pills , the implant , the patch you name it. This has been by far the best one with little to no side affects. I strongly recommend it.
Gained weight
0 helpful
Used for 3 - 6 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 10th Dec 24
Prepare for an immediate & severe drop in mood after insertion, coupled with intense pain for the first few weeks. My mood has stabilised a bit after 5 months, but overall I am much lower in mood and lack energy and motivation. The headaches are persistent and I have gained 1 stone. I bled for 3 months straight and now I bleed for approx half of the month, with painful periods and severe bloating.
Very negative mood
3 more effects
2 helpful
Used for 3 - 6 mo
44 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 1 day ago
I had such high hopes for the Mirena to help with my heavy periods but sadly I'm nearing the six month mark and there has been no improvement in the long term, if anything my periods are worse and I can't find any reason online as to why. I couldn't put up with the monthly flooding any longer and the NHS waiting list was at least 12 months, so I paid privately for the Mirena to be fitted. The insertion was uncomfortable but bearable (I haven't had children) and I didn't experience any discomfort immediately afterwards. The cramps during menstruation in the first two months following the fitting were intense, but the period was lighter so it still seemed like a win overall and I remained hopeful the cramps would ease as my body got used to the coil. That has happened and the cramps have eased to next to nothing now, but strangely my periods after the three month mark have been horrendous. I've been losing clots bigger than I have experienced before and I am back in incontinence pads to manage the amount of blood I lose. I can't continue to afford to access private care and I remain on the NHS waiting list, where I guess I will discuss ablation when I finally reach the top of the list. I so wish this had worked for me because it seemed an easy option and importantly it didn't end my fertility, but sadly it wasn't to be. I don't know why I'm surprised it didn't work for me, this is just my luck!! I wish it hadn't cost me hundreds of pounds to find this out, but for those it works for it seems life changing so it very much felt like an avenue worth exploring.
Top side effects not reported
0 helpful
Used for 12 - 18 mo
36 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 3 weeks ago
Insertion was fine, just like a deep period cramp but only lasted 3 seconds. I was a little cranky for the rest of the day but no more than a regular period. I did bleed and spot for 4-6 weeks after insertion and then gradually over the last 12 months my periods have become lighter and lighter and have now stopped with only the odd day of spotting . What I will say is it doesn't totally prevent pms symptoms but has massively improved mines. I had to suffer from terrible tender breasts for 14 days leading up to my period and bad bloating ! That's gone now but I do still get a little emotional round about the time I would get my period. My only negative I can say is I have gained approx 1.5 stone but I can't say for certain it's this coil. I am hoping to diet and exs in the new year and lose it. Over all this is a brilliant form of contraception for me after trying so many pills , the implant , the patch you name it. This has been by far the best one with little to no side affects. I strongly recommend it.
Gained weight
0 helpful
Used for 3 - 6 mo
28 years old
🇬🇧 UK
• 10th Dec 24
Prepare for an immediate & severe drop in mood after insertion, coupled with intense pain for the first few weeks. My mood has stabilised a bit after 5 months, but overall I am much lower in mood and lack energy and motivation. The headaches are persistent and I have gained 1 stone. I bled for 3 months straight and now I bleed for approx half of the month, with painful periods and severe bloating.
Very negative mood
3 more effects
2 helpful
Female condom reviews
4 reviews
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 8th Feb 24
Same as the male condom, has no side effects and will protect from STIs and pregnancy! The only thing its a little fiddly to get on and if you don't react well to latex then not ideal!
Top side effects not reported
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 19th Jan 22
These condoms prevent me from getting UTIs, I can't have sex without them! I think it's because the part of the condom that sticks out covers my urethra and prevents bacteria from spreading. They're a little hard to use at first, and some brands are better than others, but I highly recommend them to everyone.
Top side effects not reported
3 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 26th Apr 21
Tried it a couple times with different partners. Mixed reactions. I practiced inserting prior to anything, so it was easy, especially after a couple of tries. Sex felt no different for me and one of the partners. One didn't like the appearance and the other the feel. One thing I love is that it doesn't have that nasty latex smell! You can also use any lube. Overall, I think it is a great option for many people, but (like everything) you should try it a few times for yourself. Also great if you run into situations where the guy is resisting wearing a condom himself.
Top side effects not reported
2 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 8th Feb 24
Same as the male condom, has no side effects and will protect from STIs and pregnancy! The only thing its a little fiddly to get on and if you don't react well to latex then not ideal!
Top side effects not reported
0 helpful
Used for 6 - 12 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 19th Jan 22
These condoms prevent me from getting UTIs, I can't have sex without them! I think it's because the part of the condom that sticks out covers my urethra and prevents bacteria from spreading. They're a little hard to use at first, and some brands are better than others, but I highly recommend them to everyone.
Top side effects not reported
3 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 26th Apr 21
Tried it a couple times with different partners. Mixed reactions. I practiced inserting prior to anything, so it was easy, especially after a couple of tries. Sex felt no different for me and one of the partners. One didn't like the appearance and the other the feel. One thing I love is that it doesn't have that nasty latex smell! You can also use any lube. Overall, I think it is a great option for many people, but (like everything) you should try it a few times for yourself. Also great if you run into situations where the guy is resisting wearing a condom himself.
Top side effects not reported
2 helpful
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
• 12th May 20
Used it once - it came off inside me within 5 minutes and I didn't realise so ended up having completely unprotected sex and having to get a STI test.
Top side effects not reported
0 helpful
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