Testim 50mg/5g tube reviews
5 reviews
Apply gel to skin
Alternate days or daily
Provides womb protection?
Provides contraception?
Similarity to own hormones
Body identical
Effect on blood clot risk
Unlikely, limited data
Effect on breast cancer risk
Unlikely, limited data
Available on PPC?
Similar alternatives
Brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients
5 reviews
HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
52 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
• 10th May 24
I started with a patch but it kept falling of due to lots of exercise. Moved to a tablet for a while before my doctor recently gel and utrogesteran. Started on oestrogel but changed to samdrena due to problems with supply and symptoms returning when packaging was changed. Happy on the samdrena. Did have some bleeding and after investigating I needed to increase progesterone which seems to be ok. Have a few occasional symptoms one of which is some sore joints/muscle pulls and do seem to pick up lots of small problems - ear infection, cough, cold etc.
HRT used
Sandrena 1mg
Side effects
Irregular bleeding
HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
60 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
• 30th Apr 24
I did gain weight, but I don't think that's due to the HRT. The bleeding was due to changing from the mirena coil to utrogestan which didn't agree with me - it cause reflux, mood changes and nausea. I now have a new mirena coil and am very happy.
HRT used
Sandrena 1mg
Hot flushes, sweating
Side effects
Irregular bleeding
HRT Review
Used for less than 3 months
47 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
• 15th Apr 24
Having struggled with early onset perimenopause and struggling with symptoms from my early 40’s, HRT has been a lifesaver for me. I had irregular menstrual cycles overnight, started getting terrible night sweats, heart palpitations, crippling fatigue, depression and anxiety, skin problems, sore and aching joints I’m the worst brain fog and concentration imaginable! I literally became a shadow of my former self, lost my confidence, doubted my intelligence and felt lost, and I had no idea why. Obviously, I was “too young” at my age for all that nonsense, wasn’t I?! It wasn’t until I started getting hot flushes and heart palpitations during the day that the penny dropped and I finally went to see my GP to ask for help. My NHS GP was extremely supportive, thankfully, as I’ve heard that quite a lot of ladies struggled to be taken seriously or patronised, especially if they didn’t fit the criteria in terms of being the right “age” for menopause. My GP arranged blood tests for thyroid, blood sugar levels, vitamin deficiencies as well as FSH levels. My oestrogen reading confirmed a diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency/early onset menopause. Due to my age and feeling horrendous, I requested a referral to a menopause specialist (whom I chose to see privately as I did not want to wait any longer after living half a life for over three years)! Luckily I could afford to do this and I do not take this for granted in anyway. For me, no amount of money is too much to pay when your quality of life is so poor and you’re struggling to do the most basic day-to-day things. I am now fortunate to have one of the leading consultants in the specialised field of menopause care treating me and he has over the years worked with me to find the best treatment to manage my symptoms and ensure that my transition into menopause is as comfortable as can be. Firstly, I am using the gold-standard in HRT - trans-dermal body identical preparations, made from yam extract, which is made to mimic the body’s own natural production of hormones. It is backed by science, entirely safe and helps my body find a balance to manage the sometimes debilitating symptoms of hormonal decline. In addition, replacing my oestrogen now in my fourties’ means that I’m protecting my bones from osteoporosis and heart issues into old age, so it’s a win win! As I still have periods, I take body identical progesterone to protect my uterus and regulate my cycle. I also use testosterone daily, which helps my cognitive symptoms and energy levels. In terms of genito-urinary symptoms, I use oestrogen vaginal pessaries on alternate days of the week as well as an oestrogen cream on the other days, to ensure I keep things comfortable and pain-free down below. HRT has been a lifesaver for me. I cannot begin to explain how replacing my depleted hormones with safe, tested and proven preparations has given back to me what my body has decided it can’t make in the same way as it used to. I’m putting in exactly what I used to make myself in abundance, and frankly why not! Gone are the days when women just “got on with it” and accepted menopause and the devastating and life-limiting conditions it can be. More should be done to educate everyone about this subject and more importantly, women should feel empowered and ready to take their health seriously and demand the care they deserve, especially if life is a struggle due to something that can easily be remedied. Invest in excellent female health care early will save billions for the NHS in preventative treatments before illness and health complications can take hold. Vive la revolution and Vive HRT!!
HRT used
Hot flushes, sweating
Side effects
HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
60 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
• 11th Apr 24
HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
23 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
• 25th Mar 24
Over the last 8 years, it has been a true rollercoaster. Changing my HRT has often come with a lot of anxiety and stress. I have been on this regime for over a year and I finally feel more stable. I do hope to try the implants at one point but I know they’re not as popular!
HRT used
Evorel 100
Hot flushes, sweating
Side effects