Livial reviews

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Livial is the brand name for tibolone. This is a treatment for symptoms like hot flushes, mood change and vaginal dryness. It is an old type of HRT that is synthetic and mimics oestrogen and progesterone in your body. It can't be taken until it has been at least 12 months since your last period. It can be used to treat symptoms from chemical menopause caused by treatments for endometriosis, fibroids or severe PMDD, or after your ovaries have been removed. In these cases, it can be started straight away.


Tablet by mouth



Provides womb protection?


Provides contraception?


Similarity to own hormones


Effect on blood clot risk

Inconclusive, possible small increase

Effect on breast cancer risk

Small increase

Available on PPC?




Tibolone is an artificial hormone which your body breaks down into substances similar to the hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone

Similar alternatives

Brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients


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