Intrarosa reviews

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Intrarosa is an identical version of a hormone found in our body called DHEA which is converted in our body into both oestrogen and testosterone. Intrarosa is a vaginal form of DHEA which is inserted as a pessary each night with a reusable applicator. The applicator needs to be changed every week. Intrarosa is a great option to try if you find other vaginal oestrogens irritate you. Intrarosa is also vegan!


Insert into the vagina


Each night

Provides womb protection?


Provides contraception?


Similarity to own hormones


Effect on blood clot risk


Effect on breast cancer risk


Available on PPC?




Vaginal prasterone/DHEA is safe to use on it's own to manage symptoms affecting the vulva, vagina and urinary tract

Similar alternatives

Brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients


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