Evorel 50 reviews


6 reviews

Oestrogen patches are a great way to deliver oestrogen through the skin, which is safer than taking an oral tablet as there is no increased risk of blood clots. Patches comes in several strengths meaning it's easy to titrate the dose up and down. Patches are worn on fatty, hair free skin below the waist like the bum or thighs. They're convenient if you're forgetful as only need to be changed twice a week, but remember to put them on a different bit of skin each time. Evorel 50 patches are clear so suit all skin tones.


Apply patch to skin


Twice weekly

Provides womb protection?


Provides contraception?


Similarity to own hormones

Body identical

Effect on blood clot risk


Effect on breast cancer risk

Likely little or no risk

Available on PPC?


Evorel 50


Continuous HRT is where you take the same dose of both oestrogen and progesterone every day. It is used when your periods have stopped or when you have used cyclical HRT for more than 1 year. The aim of continuous HRT is to prevent bleeding.
Cyclical HRT is where you take breaks from the progesterone part of HRT, usually each month. You will usually have a withdrawal bleed around the time the progesterone has stopped. Some methods of HRT have this break built in already.
Oestrogen is the main component of HRT. If you have a uterus and are using oestrogen HRT then you will need to take a form of progesterone to protect the womb lining (endometrium) from overgrowing, as this can increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

Hormonal ingredients

Standard oestrogen

Similar alternatives

Brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients



6 reviews

HRT Review
Used for less than 3 months
69 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  5th Dec 24

My experience with HRT has on the whole, been positive. Over the years I have been on several different forms and will hopefully review them all

HRT used

Evorel 50


Hot flushes, sweating


Side effects



0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
54 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  29th Jul 24

Reduced anxiety, depression and irregular heart rate

HRT used

Evorel 50





Side effects



0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for 6 to 12 months
58 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  16th Jun 24

I have been using an evoril patch with progesterone minerva coil for two years. I had a progesterone sensitivity with oral & vaginal progesterone which resulted in bloating, constipation & poor sleep patterns & I was bleeding almost continuously. The coil was prescribed and my symptoms reduced to a bearable level but I continue to bleed. This has been attributed to an HRT imbalance & I have therefore gradually reduced my oestrogen patch from 75 to 25 micrograms over the last year. I’m still bleeding- not continuously but for about 2weeks every month to 6 weeks currently. I ache & I’m now very stiff if I sit/ lie down for a period but otherwise my symptoms don’t seem worse for reducing the oestrogen dose but nobody can explain why I’m still bleeding.

HRT used

Evorel 50



Hot flushes, sweating


Side effects

Irregular bleeding


0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
56 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  16th Jun 24

I don’t feel so different after using hrt. I am unsure if my minimal symptoms are down to menapause as it is. And I’ve added supplements to my diet which could be the reason for the improvements in my physical state rather than the hrt.

HRT used

Evorel 50


Sleep problems


Side effects



0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
54 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  19th May 24

I started on a low dose of Evorel 25 alongside my Mirena IUD . After 3 months I was still suffering from insomnia, low mood, brain fog, anxiety, low libido, lack of energy, muscle pain and night sweats. My Evorel was increased to Evorel 50 and I was prescribed Tostran gel. Within a month I started to feel like me again and have never looked back. Tostran is sometimes hard to get and I have had to use Testogel at a half pump dose instead which isn’t very accurate on occasion. When my Mirena IUD expired last year and I was waiting for a replacement appointment I was swapped to Evorel Conti for 2 months and they didn’t suit me as many symptoms reappeared.

HRT used

Evorel 50



Hot flushes, sweating


Side effects

Irregular bleeding


0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
53 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  27th Mar 24

Overall I have found the HRT patches very good. I have currently increased to the 75ml due to my anxiety being worse again but have been told by my doctor that I can only be on these for 3 months. I find the patches easy to use but do have to put a reminder in my phone as I have forgotten to change it from time to time. I chose to go on HRT not only because of the symptoms I was experiencing, which have mainly been anxiety, brain fog, lack of concentration and poor sleep but also for the health benefits that they give you.

HRT used

Evorel 50




Side effects

Irregular bleeding


0 helpful

Evorel 50 FAQs

No FAQs at this moment

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