Estradot 75 reviews


7 reviews

Oestrogen patches are a great way to deliver oestrogen through the skin, which is safer than taking an oral tablet as there is no increased risk of blood clots. Patches comes in several strengths meaning it's easy to titrate the dose up and down. Patches are worn on fatty, hair free skin below the waist like the bum or thighs. They're convenient if you're forgetful as only need to be changed twice a week, but remember to put them on a different bit of skin each time. Estradot 75 patches are clear so suitable for all skin tones and are smaller than other oestrogen patches available.


Apply patch to skin


Twice weekly

Provides womb protection?


Provides contraception?


Similarity to own hormones

Body identical

Effect on blood clot risk


Effect on breast cancer risk

Likely little or no risk

Available on PPC?


Estradot 75


Continuous HRT is where you take the same dose of both oestrogen and progesterone every day. It is used when your periods have stopped or when you have used cyclical HRT for more than 1 year. The aim of continuous HRT is to prevent bleeding.
Cyclical HRT is where you take breaks from the progesterone part of HRT, usually each month. You will usually have a withdrawal bleed around the time the progesterone has stopped. Some methods of HRT have this break built in already.
Oestrogen is the main component of HRT. If you have a uterus and are using oestrogen HRT then you will need to take a form of progesterone to protect the womb lining (endometrium) from overgrowing, as this can increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

Hormonal ingredients

Moderate oestrogen

Similar alternatives

Brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients



7 reviews

HRT Review
Used for 6 to 12 months
49 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  15th Jul 24

Confident it’s helping altho considering asking about increase in oestrogen as mood swings are leaving me feeling not like me

HRT used

Estradot 75





Side effects

Irregular bleeding


0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
54 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  3rd Jul 24

It has improved symptoms overall however they occasionally creep back

HRT used

Estradot 75



Hot flushes, sweating


Side effects

Irregular bleeding


0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for 3 to 6 months
41 years old
🇨🇮 Ireland
  •  18th Jun 24

My experience with HRT has been very positive. I’ve been on it for approx 10 months. I started on 25mcg estradot patches and 100mg utrogestan for 14 days of my cycle. I gave this 3 months, and on my review the doctor felt I should increase to 5mcg patches and 200mg utrogestan. I definitely felt an improvement on the higher dose, but after another 3 months or so, I felt another increase was worth trying. Since Feb ‘24, I’ve been on 75mg patches and 300mg utrogestan. I am feeling the best I’ve felt in a long time. HRT is not magic, but it helps you to feel stable - more like yourself so you have the ability to do other things alongside the HRT to feel better, e.g. keep fit, eat healthier, communicate with friends & family etc

HRT used

Estradot 75





Side effects



0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for 3 to 6 months
48 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  20th May 24

I initially had the Mirena fitted as I wasn’t doing well on the gel and pill regime (brain fog = fail!!) but I had horrendous abdominal cramping (period pain!) and had it out and came off everything! Back on pill. Then my mood swings were just ridiculous - feeling not me, not who I want to be and just no warning. 3 days of tears and everything out of perspective - then boom back to myself again! So I decided the pain would be better than the emotional rollercoaster!! Am on Mirena and patch twice weekly - considering asking about an increased dose of patch as not quite right on mental side - but the good days are defo better if that makes sense. All in all better than nothing! I think it takes time to figure out what works for you as individual, including other vitamin supplements to support, as well as committing to the other things in life to support better mental and physical health (diet, fitness, socialisation, positive people etc)

HRT used

Estradot 75



Depressive mood


Side effects

Irregular bleeding


0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for 3 to 6 months
43 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  19th May 24

I started on 50 and recently moved to 75. Controls symptoms well. Patch sticks well (and I've tried a few different brands) and is small!

HRT used

Estradot 75





Side effects


0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for more than 12 months
51 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  19th May 24

Once I remembered to use the hrt when prescribed i have found the combination of pill patch and vaginal tablets to be very effective in controlling my symptoms. On occasions i do still get some symptoms such as brain fog, low mood and slight anxiety but no where to the levels prior to hrt

HRT used

Estradot 75



Hot flushes, sweating


Side effects


0 helpful

HRT Review
Used for 6 to 12 months
50 years old
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
  •  26th Apr 24

I noticed improvement when changing from estrogen 50 to 75. I finally felt like myself again. I still have ups and downs, but at least it's just a few nights or at most a week of waking up at 3am instead of every night continuously. Frequent UTIs and vaginal dryness were resolved on estrogen 50 dose, but needed the extra 25 for major improvement in sleep and anxiety issues. Also, the natural progesterone (utrogestan) was key for me. Combined estrogen and synthetic progestin patches made my acne so much worse and did not help my sleep or anxiety much. Acne is gone with utrogestan/estrogen combo. If you have bleeding issues on the utrogestan, it should resolve in a few months if you stick with it, or you can take the mini pill continuously with HRT at the same time according to NIH guidance to stop the bleeding altogether.

HRT used

Estradot 75



Hot flushes, sweating


Side effects


0 helpful

Estradot 75 FAQs

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