Estradot 25 reviews


1 reviews

Oestrogen patches are a great way to deliver oestrogen through the skin, which is safer than taking an oral tablet as there is no increased risk of blood clots. Patches comes in several strengths meaning it's easy to titrate the dose up and down. Patches are worn on fatty, hair free skin below the waist like the bum or thighs. They're convenient if you're forgetful as only need to be changed twice a week, but remember to put them on a different bit of skin each time. Estradot 25 patches are clear so suitable for all skin tones and are the smallest patches available.


Apply patch to skin


Twice weekly

Provides womb protection?


Provides contraception?


Similarity to own hormones

Body identical

Effect on blood clot risk


Effect on breast cancer risk

Likely little or no risk

Available on PPC?


Estradot 25


Continuous HRT is where you take the same dose of both oestrogen and progesterone every day. It is used when your periods have stopped or when you have used cyclical HRT for more than 1 year. The aim of continuous HRT is to prevent bleeding.
Cyclical HRT is where you take breaks from the progesterone part of HRT, usually each month. You will usually have a withdrawal bleed around the time the progesterone has stopped. Some methods of HRT have this break built in already.
Oestrogen is the main component of HRT. If you have a uterus and are using oestrogen HRT then you will need to take a form of progesterone to protect the womb lining (endometrium) from overgrowing, as this can increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

Hormonal ingredients

Low oestrogen

Similar alternatives

Brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients



1 reviews

HRT Review
Used for 6 to 12 months
45 years old
🇳🇿 New Zealand
  •  21st May 24

Perimenopause crept up on me, I hadn't linked the symptoms I was getting to hormonal changes. In hindsight I'd noticed changes 2/3years ago. I wasn't getting full on hot flushes,which was all I associated with menopause. Instead, I was getting painful,stiff joints - some days I felt like I was 100 not 45! Although I still haven't had a proper hot flush, I have had some night sweats and generally run hotter these days. I'd had a Mirena fitted after the birth of my last child age 31, so i didnt get periods for many years. I tried having it taken out, but heavy periods returned and I had another fitted. So, I still dont get periods and therefore couldn't track hormone changes via periods. I also noticed my sleep worsening, suddenly needed to get up to wee every night and then struggled with insomnia. I noticed reduced energy levels, which didn't improve even when I did manage to sleep and exercise. Added to this was vaginal dryness, recurring thrush and vulval discomfort/irritation. Then came mood issues - I noticed increasing irritability that was out of character and irrational. What finally made me join the dots was low mood, tearfulness and generally feeling a lack of enthusiasm for life. This led me to have a conversation with my GP. She was very understanding and agreed with my suggestion that the symptoms were likely perimenopausal. She was happy to prescribe oestrogen, but did caution that I could probably only have it safely for 10years,which I don't think is true. I went back a few months later as felt my vaginal dryness and irritation hadn't improved, she prescribed vaginal estrogen cream. I have had some improvement, but this is still an issue, as is low libido, so think at my next review I will ask for testosterone. I've also recently noticed a reoccurrence of the joint pain, and other symptoms, so might need my other HRT reviewing too.

HRT used

Estradot 25



Hot flushes, sweating


Side effects



1 helpful

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