
Brevinor pill reviews


35 reviews

Brevinor pill has an average rating of 2.6 out of 5 stars from a total of 35 reviews when used as a contraceptive. These are self-reported reviews where users of Brevinor pill review their satisfaction with this contraceptive and any side effects they feel they experienced whilst using.
You may have problems getting hold of Brevinor as it was discontinued in 2020. It contains a higher dose of oestrogen and a progestogen called norethisterone (also found in the discontinued Loestrin brands.) The higher oestrogen dose may help to control breakthrough bleeding, but may cause unwanted side effects such as sore boobs or nausea.



91% - 99+%



Blood clot risk


Effect on fertility

Brevinor pill



35 reviews

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Combined pill  
Used for 8+ yr
40 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 month ago

Brevinor pill  

I had been taking this pill for 25 years, since I was 15. Now I’m 40 my GP won’t supply me with the combined pill anymore and wants to switch me to the mini pill. I had periods, when I was 13-15, where I would bleed heavily for 2 weeks, with regular flooding, plus extreme abdominal pain, followed by 2 weeks no bleeding then I’d go back round again. Brevinor changed my life! I could not recommend this pill more. You will more likely hear the negatives than the positive from these reviews but honestly this was amazing for me and would still be taking it if I could.

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Very positive mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
21 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  24th Dec 24

Brevinor pill  

I’ve been on a couple of pills in the past which have been fine other than the odd side effect. But I’ve changed over due to those small side effects getting worse such as the main one being water retention in the arms. Brevinor, this is by far the worst pill I’ve tried. The first 3 days were terrible. I felt faint, tired & dizzy. My boobs were so sore for the first 21 days when I was taking this pill. Swollen and sore, even putting my bra on. I have gone back to my GP and they have prescribed rigevidon….judging by the reviews on here I will not be taking it or any other pills. I will be starting to track my cycle naturally in the new year whilst using barrier methods such as condoms.

Very negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 12 - 18 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  11th Sep 24

Brevinor pill  

This pill has made me very anxious and also a bit snappy. It has been good for stopping periods as i take back to back so i dont bleed (periods are painfull and heavy otherwise) .. but expeirence some breakthrough bleeding. Thrush has been the biggest problem as i cant seem to get rid of it and im sure that the pill is the problem!! Also my eyes have become dryer and ive become more sweaty.

Somewhat positive mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 3 - 6 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  22nd Jun 24

Brevinor pill  

I noticed no side effects on this pill and was pleased with my experience

Increased sex drive

1 more effect

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  7th May 24

Brevinor pill  

My favourite combined pill so far! My periods used to be super heavy and around 11 days long, i’d vomit get fevers ect. I have tried rigevidon and yasmin but found that the higher progesterone affected my moods quite negatively. This one has higher oestrogen. My periods now last 4 days and I only get light cramps for a day! I go through the normal cycles of my boobs hurting the week before my period which I never had before. My mood feels a lot more stable on this pill too. My skin has always been clear and this pill hasn’t changed that. I do find that I have more headaches but I’m not sure if i’m just taking notice more.

Somewhat positive mood

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 8+ yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  9th Mar 24

Brevinor pill  

I stuck with Brevinor for years as I found the side effects manageable until I started to have migraine with aura, then the doctor moved me to the mini pill. I was put on this form of combination pill to help with acne and it did improve my skin. My periods were light and mood changes were minimal. In the end, it was hard to source this pill as Pfizer turned their attention to the COVID-19 vaccinations, so stopped manufacturing this pill, which at the time, was a shame.

Somewhat positive mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  12th Nov 23

Brevinor pill  

Moved to Brevinor to try and prevent breakthrough bleeding on another pill, not successful in the first three months. Tried to renew prescription but blood pressure just too high. Switched to mini-pill.

Somewhat negative mood

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 3 - 6 mo
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  16th Jun 23

Brevinor pill  

I’ve had trush twice in 6 months and I usually take a break monthly. On day I come off the pill I usually cry uncontrollably or cry myself to sleep. It only lasts one night but it’s horrible. Thanks to Davina McColl for teaching us about this website.

Somewhat negative mood

1 more effect

1 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 3 - 5 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  8th Jun 23

Brevinor pill  

Awful experience. Very short or no periods some months. Had period build up for a week, feeling like I would have a period for another week then nothing or 1-2 days of a period. Was worrying when combined with breast soreness and huge food cravings. Low mood and feeling an uncontrollable rage at other times. No feeling down below and no sex drive/feelings of attraction. Struggled to have an orgasm when on the pill leaving me feeling frustrated and not relaxed. The lack of period also felt like I was storing hormones/anger with no release. I used to feel normal at the end of my break but as soon as I started taking it again, I felt crap/angry etc.

Very negative mood

2 more effects

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Combined pill  
Used for 5 - 8 yr
Lowdown user
🇬🇧 UK
  •  15th Feb 23

Brevinor pill  

I was put on this years ago for hormonal acne which it did wonders for. My sex drive and discharge was good on it too. I also felt great and sexy and confident for weeks 1 & 2 of a pill packet. HOWEVER, on week 3 it was almost like my body knew the pill break was coming and I had crippling anxiety and panic attacks to the point where I couldn’t get on the train to work that week. I would also get horrendous acid reflux partly due to anxiety. I was super irritable and paranoid, it was 100% PMDD. During week 4 (pill free week) I would cry uncontrollably including in front of guys I was dating and at work and in shops. I was also very depressed that week and would count down the days till I could start the pack again. My friends told me it wasn’t right or normal so as of the last month I’ve been on the Evra patch which is the same hormones and amount but I feel so much better, not getting those extreme highs and lows.

Very negative mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


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Brevinor pill side effects

Possible side effects with Brevinor pill

Brevinor pill benefits

Some of the benefits that are recognised in scientific research or guidelines for this contraceptive

Acne or bad skin

Heavy periods


PCOS symptoms

Period pain

Brevinor pill ingredients

Main hormones in Brevinor pill

High oestrogen

Androgenic progestogen

Brevinor pill alternatives

Contraceptives that work in similar ways, or brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients

Brevinor pill side effects

Possible side effects with Brevinor pill

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