
Combined pill reviews


2511 reviews

Combined pill has an average rating of 2.8 out of 5 stars from a total of 2511 reviews when used as a contraceptive. These are self-reported reviews where users of Combined pill review their satisfaction with this contraceptive and any side effects they feel they experienced whilst using.
The combined pill is very common and the most frequently reviewed method at The Lowdown. It contains two hormones - oestrogen and progestogen, and can help with acne and heavy or painful periods.



91% - 99+%



Blood clot risk


Effect on fertility

Combined pill



2511 reviews

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Combined pill  
Used for 8+ yr
39 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  1 day ago

Loestrin 30 pill  

I was put on Loestrin as an early teen post chemo/radiotherapy when my body didn't develop naturally. I was never really told at that age what side effects there were. I already suffered with migraines and regular headaches which always occured in the week before the break. I stayed in this till my late 20s when I first began to notice the thinness of my hair. It was only then that I was told it has a lot of testosterone in it that does lead to hair loss. Sadly my hair is now very thin but I was able to switch off this brand and stabilize the loss.

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Gained weight

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
27 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  4 days ago

Yasmin pill  

It works better for me than others

Improved skin

1 more effect

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
24 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  4 days ago

Drovelis pill  

I was on hormonal birth control methods for 10 years with nothing had bad experiences. I’d come off all methods and had given up until I saw Drovelis on The Lowdown and decided to give it a shot because of the low side effects listed. And I’m so glad I did. No breakthrough bleeding, weight loss, no changes to my sex drive, only minimal breakouts which is a miracle compared to the other methods. The Lowdown has given me my bodily autonomy back with their suggestions and articles and I can certainly say I’ll never go back off this pill!

Somewhat positive mood

2 more effects

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
16 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  6 days ago

Drovelis pill  

I started taking it on the first day of my period, it lasted 13 days (normally would last 5 days)then gave me a break for 4 days then bled the whole time on that pill, 24 days bleeding in total, once i started the white sugar pills my bleeding died down and finally stopped, im off of it now (only for a month) and i havent bled once, not even spotting, ill go back on it next month to see if i bleed again from it

Very negative mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
23 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Zoely pill  

Although I haven’t been taking this pill for very long, I did quickly notice a major improvement in my moods. I tolerated Estelle ED pretty well, but Yaz made me severely depressed and suicidal.

Very positive mood

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 3 - 6 mo
26 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago


The first week of taking this pill made me feel extremely nauseous and unwell to the point I couldn’t get out of bed. I gained 10kg in 5 months on this pill. It made my so hungry all the time. It did help my painful periods and made them more manageable but i was putting on weight at an uncontrollable pace so I had to stop this pill.

Gained weight

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
26 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Loestrin 30 pill  

I took this pill for 3 years total with a year’s break after the first year of taking it. Finally made my period bearable for the first time in my life. The withdrawal bleed was lighter and much less painful. It made my anxiety worse and I gained around 3 kilos but it was worth it. I’m gutted it is no longer available. I’ve been searching for a suitable alternative for 4 years but have not been successful yet.

Somewhat negative mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 3 - 5 yr
22 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Maexeni pill  

I was on this pill for 4 years and I used to swear by it. Got put on it when I was 16 and it didn’t have much effect on anything other than being slightly more emotional and having larger boobs. GP tried to change me over to microgygon which gave me HORRIBLE side effects as they stopped providing Maexeni. Overall great pill, periods were very regular after about 6 months, skin was clear and mood swings were not terrible

Somewhat negative mood

1 more effect

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
20 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Gedarel 20/150 pill  

Was an okay pill, had been taking for around a year if not longer but I got pregnant on this pill so am now changing pill type/brand

Somewhat positive mood

3 more effects

0 helpful


Combined pill  
Used for 1 - 3 mo
20 years old
🇬🇧 UK
  •  2 weeks ago

Microgynon 30 pill  

Didn’t like being on this pill. Caused vaginal dryness to the point where sex hurt. Libido on the floor, so low!!!

Improved skin

2 more effects

0 helpful


Combined pill FAQs

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Combined pill side effects

Possible side effects with Combined pill

Combined pill benefits

Some of the benefits that are recognised in scientific research or guidelines for this contraceptive

Acne or bad skin

Heavy periods


PCOS symptoms

Period pain

Combined pill ingredients

Main hormones in Combined pill



Combined pill alternatives

Contraceptives that work in similar ways, or brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients

Combined pill side effects

Possible side effects with Combined pill

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