Contraception Reviews


Joined at April 2024

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1 month ago
Mirena IUD

I got my first Mirena when I was 17. I would describe the insertion process as uncomfortable but not painful. I did have a vagal response (came close to passing out) right after, but it didn't last long, I just needed to sit for a minute. I experienced very light cramping for about 4-6 days afterwards. I did lose some weight that year that may have been attributed to the birth control, I went from 120lbs to 100lbs (there were no other pressing reasons for the quick change in my weight other than the BC, perhaps stress as it was my senior year of high school). At the time, the Mirena was thought to be effective for five years, so I had it removed and replaced with another Mirena when I was 22. The removal and reinsertion was more uncomfortable than the initial insertion, but totally manageable in my experience. Overall, I did not experience many hormonal side effects that I noticed. I pretty much stopped menstruating after the first few months of having it, aside from very occasional, very light spotting. I would sometimes experience symptoms of PMS without the bleeding (a little fatigue, some mood changes). I did develop some cystic acne in the first 1-3 years of being on my second IUD, but it was truly not much and never lasted long. My favorite part of this method is how effective and easy to use it is. I was truly never concerned about pregnancy from 17-27 which allowed for a lot of freedom in terms of my sex life. In my long term relationship, we do not use condoms (both have been screened for STIs) and I feel completely safe and comfortable with my partner not pulling out (I know that's a personal detail but I what to emphasize that that's how effective it truly is in my experience). I did recently decide to remove my hormonal IUD and replace it with the non-hormonal IUD. My Mirena still had at least 2 years left in it, but since I had not had a period or had gone through that natural, hormonal process in 10 years, I wanted to give my body a break from hormonal birth control to develop that relationship with my body. If I did not have the option/privilege to change methods, I would have 100% kept my Mirena until it expired, and probably got a third one.


Time used

8+ years

Stopped using


Impact whilst using


No change


Got worse

Sex drive

Don't know


Lost weight




Other side effects whilst using
 Discomfort wearing contact lenses
Experiences coming off Mirena IUD

I only stopped using this method about a month ago, so I am still going through the after affects. I got my first period just about 2 weeks after removing the Mirena and I won't lie, it was a rough period hormonally/mentally. I feel like I could feel the hormones working their way out of my body. But, period ended and I feel great. I have noticed an increase in my sex drive already which I am happy about. I haven't noticed many other changes, yet.

Impact after using


Somewhat negative


Don't know

Sex drive



No change

Cycle return to normal

1 month

Other side effects after using

No side effects provided
