Contraception Reviews

Contraceptive gel  
Used for 8+ yr
🇺🇸 US
  •  17th Apr 24

Contraceptive gel  
•  Still using

Birth control implant I have had this birth control for 10 years (3 implants). It makes your period lighter and more regular, or takes it away completely; I had a birth control pill ( i'm not sure if the name) prescribed beforehand and i could not stand that one.


No change


No change

Sex drive

Don't know


Don't know


Don't know


Don't know


Don't know

Sex drive

Don't know


Don't know

Cycle return to normal

I don't know / can't tell
While using
 Discomfort wearing contact lenses
 Vaginal dryness
 Period like cramps
 Vaginal discharge
 Breast enlargement
 Sweating more than usual
 Tender breasts
After using

No side effects provided

No experience provided

0 helpful


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Our doctor

We've got experts to help you choose your birth control

We have registered nurses and doctors who created a tool just for you.

Explore popular birth control reviews

Contraceptive gel  
Used for 8+ yr
Lowdown user
🇺🇸 US
  •  17th Apr 24

Contraceptive gel  

Birth control implant I have had this birth control for 10 years (3 implants). It makes your period lighter and more regular, or takes it away completely; I had a birth control pill ( i'm not sure if the name) prescribed beforehand and i could not stand that one.

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Top side effects not reported

0 helpful


Contraceptive gel  
Used for 12 - 18 mo
Lowdown user
🇺🇸 US
  •  12th Jan 24

Phexxi gel  

I feel like I've tried every birth control out there. Pills, patches rings, IUDs - with the exception of depo, you name it, I've tried it. But Phexxi has been a game changer for me! I never felt "whole" on hormonal methods or the IUDs, but with Phexxi I don't have to deal with hormonal side effects and I only use it when I need it. Super easy to use, not messy, and I feel like myself again!

Very positive mood

1 more effect

1 helpful


Contraceptive gel  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇺🇸 US
  •  12th Jan 24

Phexxi gel  

Love that I can use Phexxi only when I need it. I do not like adding hormones to my body. I really love the lubricating effect, makes for even better sex!

Very positive mood

1 more effect

2 helpful


Contraceptive gel  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
Lowdown user
🇺🇸 US
  •  11th Dec 23

Phexxi gel  

Phexxi works great — if you actually use it. Oops! My kid sister used Phexxi for about a year either by itself or along with condoms when she was ovulating. Then one time when she and her boyfriend were staying in my apartment for a family wedding, they picked me as the designated driver and the two of them had way too much to drink. They were all over each other in the car on the way home. Which was kind of cute but then when we got back to my place she wanted me to help her insert her birth control. I took her back to their bedroom and started getting her out of her clothes and I was like why don’t you just skip using it if you’re not in the middle of your cycle, and then she showed me her period tracker on her phone. Yep, not a good time to skip using protection, but still … She passed out while I was reading the instructions on the applicator, so I just was like whatever, I’m not doing this. I got off the rest of her clothes and woke her up and said I would tell her boyfriend she was ready. She didn’t even ask if I had inserted her Phexxi. The walls in my apartment are thin, so I heard the entire “discussion” when he couldn’t find their box of condoms. She was too drunk and horny to say no. She had no idea she was about to try to conceive. And yes, she became a mommy that night.

Increased sex drive

2 helpful


Explore popular birth control reviews

Contraceptive gel  
Used for 8+ yr
Lowdown user
🇺🇸 US
  •  17th Apr 24

Contraceptive gel  

Birth control implant I have had this birth control for 10 years (3 implants). It makes your period lighter and more regular, or takes it away completely; I had a birth control pill ( i'm not sure if the name) prescribed beforehand and i could not stand that one.

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Top side effects not reported

0 helpful


Contraceptive gel  
Used for 12 - 18 mo
Lowdown user
🇺🇸 US
  •  12th Jan 24

Phexxi gel  

I feel like I've tried every birth control out there. Pills, patches rings, IUDs - with the exception of depo, you name it, I've tried it. But Phexxi has been a game changer for me! I never felt "whole" on hormonal methods or the IUDs, but with Phexxi I don't have to deal with hormonal side effects and I only use it when I need it. Super easy to use, not messy, and I feel like myself again!

Very positive mood

1 more effect

1 helpful


Contraceptive gel  
Used for 18 mo - 3 yr
Lowdown user
🇺🇸 US
  •  12th Jan 24

Phexxi gel  

Love that I can use Phexxi only when I need it. I do not like adding hormones to my body. I really love the lubricating effect, makes for even better sex!

Very positive mood

1 more effect

2 helpful


Contraceptive gel  
Used for 6 - 12 mo
Lowdown user
🇺🇸 US
  •  11th Dec 23

Phexxi gel  

Phexxi works great — if you actually use it. Oops! My kid sister used Phexxi for about a year either by itself or along with condoms when she was ovulating. Then one time when she and her boyfriend were staying in my apartment for a family wedding, they picked me as the designated driver and the two of them had way too much to drink. They were all over each other in the car on the way home. Which was kind of cute but then when we got back to my place she wanted me to help her insert her birth control. I took her back to their bedroom and started getting her out of her clothes and I was like why don’t you just skip using it if you’re not in the middle of your cycle, and then she showed me her period tracker on her phone. Yep, not a good time to skip using protection, but still … She passed out while I was reading the instructions on the applicator, so I just was like whatever, I’m not doing this. I got off the rest of her clothes and woke her up and said I would tell her boyfriend she was ready. She didn’t even ask if I had inserted her Phexxi. The walls in my apartment are thin, so I heard the entire “discussion” when he couldn’t find their box of condoms. She was too drunk and horny to say no. She had no idea she was about to try to conceive. And yes, she became a mommy that night.

Increased sex drive

2 helpful


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