Contraception Reviews


Spermicide reviews

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Spermicide comes in different forms including gels, creams, films, foams or tablets that are inserted into the vagina at least 10-15 minutes before sex. It is a great addition to other birth controls to make them more effective. A main downside is that it doesn't protect against STDs and it's active substance nonoxynol-9 may even increase the risk of STDs.

Before sex


79% - 86%



Blood clot risk


Effect on fertility



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Spermicide side effects

Possible side effects with Spermicide

How does the Spermicide work?

Nonoxynol-9 is the main active ingredient in spermicide. It works by helping to block the cervix and slow down sperm so they can't and fertilize an egg.

Spermicide alternatives

Contraceptives that work in similar ways, or brands that have close or exactly the same hormonal ingredients

Spermicide side effects

Possible side effects with Spermicide

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