Trial: Contraceptive injection

The Lowdown are excited to join forces with researchers in Edinburgh, Scotland who are working on a trial that is looking into whether the effective use of contraceptive injections can be extended for 6 months, twice as long as the current 3-month duration.

The Lowdown’s Founder, Alice says:

“Having to get a contraceptive injection every 14 weeks takes forward planning and sometimes just isn’t that convenient. It’s great to see some much-needed research on whether the injection has contraceptive effects for a longer period of time when it’s given under the skin instead of into the muscle.”

About the trial:

The contraceptive injection containing depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) that is currently given every 3 months, commonly known by its brand name Depo-Provera, is as effective and safe if given every 6 months under the skin instead of into the muscle. A previous study of 21 women has shown that DMPA stopped 21 women from ovulating (i.e., releasing eggs) for at least 6 months when it was given under the skin. Researchers are seeking to confirm this result in a larger study.

Who is eligible to take part in this study? 

To take part in this study, you need to be:

  • Aged 18-35 years old
  • Having penetrative sex at least once a month with someone who could make you pregnant
  • Healthy
  • Not pregnant or trying to become pregnant
  • Willing to attend a trial site in Edinburgh for an initial assessment, an enrollment visit, and then for four follow-up visits over one year
  • Interested in receiving the contraceptive injection twice over 1 year (i.e. every 6 months)

Where is the study taking place?

The study site is at 2a Chalmers Street, Edinburgh EH3 9ES. You will need to attend this location six times throughout the study, and your travel expenses may be reimbursed in addition to your compensation for being involved. Study participation lasts about 1 year.

What will be involved in the study?

  • At each visit, researchers will measure your body weight and blood pressure, and give you a pregnancy test.
  • You will be asked questions about your health, medications, any vaginal bleeding and how you feel about this method of contraception.
  • At three of the clinic visits, a small sample of blood will be drawn from your arm to test hormone levels. During each of these visits, there is only one blood draw (needle into arm) to collect all blood samples.
  • You will also be asked to take monthly urine pregnancy tests at home whilst participating in the study. 

Will I be compensated for my time?

Yes, you will be reimbursed after each visit for your time if you attend all visits and complete all monthly pregnancy tests.